Create a new T-shirt Clothing Item from an existing one

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This is a tutorial page.

This tutorial will show you how to add a new T-shirt Clothing Item in the wardrobe, for a local use.

Note: /!\ This page is still a work in progress /!\

Export a copy of an existing T-shirt files

Note: For Myst Online: Uru Live Again, the new skins of clothing are stored in the "GlobalClothing_District_[Gender]Fan02.prp" files.
In this part, we will use the "PrpShop" tool from PlasmaShop to edit a copy of these files to export the files that we will need to create a new skin of T-shirt Clothing Item.

Let's start.
- Copy the "GlobalClothing_District_FemaleFan02.prp" and "GlobalClothing_District_MaleFan02.prp" files, and paste them on your Desktop.
- Open them in PrpShop.
- Click on the "Tools" tab, and select "Show Properties Panel".
- Click on the gray right arrows next to "GlobalClothing", "[Gender]Fan02", "Clothing Item", "Mipmap", and "Scene Node".
- You can right-click on any element in "Mipmap" and select "Preview"; when you have found an image of the Clothing Item of which you want to make a new skin, double-click on the element, click on "Export DDS...", and export it on your Desktop, with the ".dds" extension.

Do the same thing for any image that you will need.
For example, if I want to use the "Kalamee" images to make a new skin of a "ShortSleeve", I will save the following images:

Now, you can use as model the images that you saved on your Desktop, to make the new skin of clothing.
You can also use the "TGA" images from H-uru/moul-assets as a starting point.
Still with the "Kalamee" example, I would use a copy of the following images:
- icon/Icon_UTorso_TshirtBlank.tga
- FTorso_LongSleeve01_tint1.tga
- MTorso_LongSleeve01_tint1.tga

- In "Clothing Item", click on the element of which you want to make a new skin, in the "Properties Panel" replace the old T-shirt name by the new T-shirt name, and save the changes.
For example, I would replace the "CItm_[F/M]Torso_ShortSleeve_Kalamee" name by "CItm_[F/M]Torso_ShortSleeve_NewSkinName".

- In "Clothing Item", right-click on the element of which you want to make a new skin, select "Export...", and export it on your Desktop.
- Click on the element of which you want to make a new skin, in the "Properties Panel" replace the new T-shirt name by the old T-shirt name, and save the changes.

Edit the T-shirt exported/downloaded images

Note: In this part, we will edit the T-shirt exported/downloaded images to create the new T-shirt skin.


- When the new skin images are done, save them as "DDS" files on your Desktop, with the same filenames than the images that you exported from PrpShop, and replace the existing files.
- Rename the new images files to replace the old T-shirt name by the new T-shirt name.
For example, I would replace the "" name by "".

Import the files copy for a new T-shirt

Note: In this part, we will use the PrpShop tool to edit a copy of the "PRP" files to import the files that we will need to create a new skin of T-shirt Clothing Item.

- Right-click on "Mipmap", select "New Mipmap...", and enter the name of one of the new skin images.
Do the same thing for any of the new skin images.
For example, I would create the following Mipmaps:
- [F/M]
- [F/M]

- For each of the new Mipmaps, click on "Import DDS...", import the related "DDS" file, and save the changes.
- Click on the gray bottom arrow next to "Mipmap".
- Right-click on "Clothing Item", select "Import...", and import back the "PO" file that you have exported.
For example, I would import "[plClothingItem]CItm_[F/M]Torso_ShortSleeve_NewSkinName.po".

- In "Scene Node", double-click on "GlobalClothing_[Gender]Fan02", click on the "Pool Objects" tab, right-click in the list, select "Add Object", for "Object" select the element that you have just imported (it should be at the end of the list), and save the changes.
For example, I would select the "CItm_[F/M]Torso_ShortSleeve_NewSkinName".

- Click on the gray bottom arrow next to "Scene Node".
- In "Clothing Item", double-click on the element that you have imported.

Still with the "Kalamee" example, here are the changes to do in this "PRC" file (xml):

- "<ClothingName value="FTorso_ShortSleeve_Kalamee" />"
would become
"<ClothingName value="FTorso_ShortSleeve_NewSkinName" />".

- If the T-shirt is meant to be "by default" in the wardrobe, "nonStandard" should be removed from the end of the "Description", so
"<Description>ColorLabel1=Shirt; ColorLabel2=; isLogoFor=02_FTorso12_01; GroupName=ShortSleeve;</Description>"
but if it's meant to be a reward for the players, "nonStandard" should be added, so
"<Description>ColorLabel1=Shirt; ColorLabel2=; isLogoFor=02_FTorso12_01; GroupName=ShortSleeve; nonStandard;</Description>".

- "<CustomText value="Short Sleeve T-Shirt - Kalamee" />"
would become
"<CustomText value="Short Sleeve T-Shirt - New Skin Name" />".

- "<plKey Name="Icon_UTorso_Shirt_Kalamee.png" Type="plMipmap" Location="-5;11" LocFlag="0x0004" ObjID="56" />"
would become
"<plKey Name="" Type="plMipmap" Location="-5;11" LocFlag="0x0004" ObjID="56" />".

- "<plKey Name="FTorso_ShortSleeve_Kalamee_Base.png" Type="plMipmap" Location="-5;11" LocFlag="0x0004" ObjID="57" />"
would become
"<plKey Name="" Type="plMipmap" Location="-5;11" LocFlag="0x0004" ObjID="57" />".

- "<plKey Name="FTorso_ShortSleeve_Kalamee_Tint1.png" Type="plMipmap" Location="-5;11" LocFlag="0x0004" ObjID="58" />"
would become
"<plKey Name="" Type="plMipmap" Location="-5;11" LocFlag="0x0004" ObjID="58" />".

- Click on "Compile and Save".

Add localizations for the new T-shirt

Note: In this part, we will use a text editor (like "Notepad" for example) to edit a copy of the "" and "ACA[Localization].loc" files to add localisations for the new T-shirt.
These localisations are for the new T-shirt name in the wardrobe (the text that is in "<CustomText value="Short Sleeve T-Shirt - New Skin Name" />"), and if the T-shirt is a reward, also for the text that will appear in the chat when the players will get the new T-shirt ("Short Sleeve T-Shirt - New Skin Name added to your wardrobe.").

- Copy the "" file, and paste it on your Desktop.
- Open it in your text editor.
- Select the full line above the one that contains the "# Hands" text, copy/paste it on a new line under the selected line, replace the text by ""[Clothing Type] - [Clothing Name]": "ACA.Clothing.[ClothingType][ClothingName]"," (use the text of the value from "<CustomText value="Short Sleeve T-Shirt - New Skin Name" />" in PrpShop as model; you can now close PrpShop), and save the changes.
For example I would replace it by ""Short Sleeve T-Shirt - New Skin Name": "ACA.Clothing.ShortSleeveTShirtNewSkinName",".

- Copy the "ACA[Localization].loc" files, and paste them on your Desktop.
- Open them in your text editor.
- In each of them, paste the following code between the "<set name="Clothing">" and "</set>" tags, by keeping the "elements" in the alphabetical order, and save the changes:

   <element name="[ClothingType][ClothingName]">
       <translation language="[Localisation]">[Clothing Type] - [Clothing Name]</translation>

For example, for the English localization I would paste:

   <element name="ShortSleeveTShirtNewSkinName">
       <translation language="English">Short Sleeve T-Shirt - New Skin Name</translation>

And for the French localization I would paste:

   <element name="ShortSleeveTShirtNewSkinName">
       <translation language="French">T-Shirt à manches courtes - Nom de la Nouvelle Skin</translation>

Add the new files in the game folder

Note: In this part, we will add the new files in the game folder, so you can enjoy your new T-shirt in the game (if it's meant to be "by default" in the wardrobe...).

- Do a backup of the following files:

- Copy the new files in the respective "dat" and "Python" sub-folders of the game folder.
- Enjoy your new T-shirt!

How to get the new T-shirt as a reward

Note: In this part, we will see how to get the new T-shirt as a reward (if you have set it as a reward in PrpShop).