Currently working on Yinfara as a 3d designer (that includes modeling and texturing and lots of designing to fill in the gaps where there is no concept ;) ).
My 3d skills include:
multi-layered texturing Super low-poly modeling Stencils Dynamic lighting of ages (for day-night cycles mostly) Advanced animation (going into the realm of programming here a bit) Modeling 3d objects from single photo (and texturing them with that photo as well). Lightmapping Texture creation in gimp.
My Scripting skills:
AlcScript coding
Python coding
I also have two shells in AhraPahts:
Shell 407: Main Area (% complete): Planning: complete, Rough modeling: 90%, Overall: 20% Mechanical Room (% complete): Planning: 10%, Rough modeling: 5%, Overall: 3% Lounge/Maproom (% complete): Planning: 8%, Rough modeling: 5%, Overall: 4%
Shell 425: Don't really have that many plans for this one... I think it may have something large in it.
If you'd like to contact me: either send me a [Message] on the forums of come onto [[1]] (I'm usually there)