Plasma:Python API
This is a list of all functions and classes of the "Plasma" module, inclduing methods and properties. Anyone writing or adapting a Python script for Uru might find this useful. This is not the complete Plasma API however, the other Python files starting with Plasma add more necessary and useful classes and functions (especially However, unlike these other files, is just a dummy, the Plasma module available at runtime is not what can be found in the Python file. Unfortunately, I found no way to extract the arguments of the functions - if they are not documented, just look for that function or method in the decompiled file. Here's it's actual content, plus the documentation Cyan wrote for it.
[hide]- 1 Module: Plasma
- 1.1 Class: ptAgeInfoStruct
- 1.2 Class: ptAgeInfoStructRef
- 1.3 Class: ptAgeLinkStruct
- 1.4 Class: ptAgeLinkStructRef
- 1.5 Class: ptAgeVault
- 1.6 Class: ptAnimation
- 1.7 Class: ptAudioControl
- 1.8 Class: ptAvatar
- 1.9 Class: ptBook
- 1.10 Class: ptCamera
- 1.11 Class: ptClimbingWallMsg
- 1.12 Class: ptCluster
- 1.13 Class: ptColor
- 1.14 Class: ptDniCoordinates
- 1.15 Class: ptDniInfoSource
- 1.16 Class: ptDraw
- 1.17 Class: ptDynamicMap
- 1.18 Class: ptGUIControl
- 1.19 Class: ptGUIControlButton
- 1.20 Class: ptGUIControlCheckBox
- 1.21 Class: ptGUIControlClickMap
- 1.22 Class: ptGUIControlDragBar
- 1.23 Class: ptGUIControlDraggable
- 1.24 Class: ptGUIControlDynamicText
- 1.25 Class: ptGUIControlEditBox
- 1.26 Class: ptGUIControlKnob
- 1.27 Class: ptGUIControlListBox
- 1.28 Class: ptGUIControlMultiLineEdit
- 1.29 Class: ptGUIControlProgress
- 1.30 Class: ptGUIControlRadioGroup
- 1.31 Class: ptGUIControlTextBox
- 1.32 Class: ptGUIControlUpDownPair
- 1.33 Class: ptGUIControlValue
- 1.34 Class: ptGUIDialog
- 1.35 Class: ptGUIPopUpMenu
- 1.36 Class: ptGUISkin
- 1.37 Class: ptImage
- 1.38 Class: ptInputInterface
- 1.39 Class: ptKey
- 1.40 Class: ptKeyMap
- 1.41 Class: ptMarkerMgr
- 1.42 Class: ptMatrix44
- 1.43 Class: ptMoviePlayer
- 1.44 Class: ptNetLinkingMgr
- 1.45 Class: ptNotify
- 1.46 Class: ptParticle
- 1.47 Class: ptPhysics
- 1.48 Class: ptPlayer
- 1.49 Class: ptPoint3
- 1.50 Class: ptPythonMsg
- 1.51 Class: ptSDL
- 1.52 Class: ptSDLStateDataRecord
- 1.53 Class: ptSceneobject
- 1.54 Class: ptSimpleStateVariable
- 1.55 Class: ptSpawnPointInfo
- 1.56 Class: ptSpawnPointInfoRef
- 1.57 Class: ptStatusLog
- 1.58 Class: ptStream
- 1.59 Class: ptSwimCurrentInterface
- 1.60 Class: ptVault
- 1.61 Class: ptVaultAgeInfoNode
- 1.62 Class: ptVaultAgeLinkNode
- 1.63 Class: ptVaultChronicleNode
- 1.64 Class: ptVaultFolderNode
- 1.65 Class: ptVaultImageNode
- 1.66 Class: ptVaultMarkerListNode
- 1.67 Class: ptVaultMarkerNode
- 1.68 Class: ptVaultNode
- 1.69 Class: ptVaultNodeRef
- 1.70 Class: ptVaultPlayerInfoListNode
- 1.71 Class: ptVaultPlayerInfoNode
- 1.72 Class: ptVaultSDLNode
- 1.73 Class: ptVaultSystemNode
- 1.74 Class: ptVaultTextNoteNode
- 1.75 Class: ptVector3
- 1.76 Class: ptWaveSet
- 1.77 Class: pyVaultAgeInfoListNode
Module: Plasma
- Function: PtAcceptInviteInGame(friendName,inviteKey) - Send's a VaultTask to the server to perform the invite
- Function: PtAmCCR() - Returns true if local player is a CCR
- Function: PtAtTimeCallback(selfkey,time,id) - This will create a timer callback that will call OnTimer when complete;- 'selfkey' is the ptKey of the PythonFile component;- 'time' is how much time from now (in seconds) to call back;- 'id' is an integer id that will be returned in the OnTimer call
- Function: PtAttachObject(childObj,parentObj) - Attach child to parent based on ptSceneobject;- childObj is the ptSceneobject of the one being attached;- patentObj is the ptSceneobject of the one being attached to.
- Function: PtAvatarEnterAFK() - Tells the local avatar to enter AwayFromKeyboard idle loop (netpropagated)
- Function: PtAvatarEnterLookingAtKI() - Tells the local avatar to enter looking at KI idle loop (netpropagated)
- Function: PtAvatarEnterUsePersBook() - Tells the local avatar to enter using their personal book idle loop (netpropagated)
- Function: PtAvatarExitAFK() - Tells the local avatar to exit AwayFromKeyboard idle loop (netpropagated); Useful for going to stage 2 of any multistage animation such as the sitting modifier
- Function: PtAvatarExitLookingAtKI() - Tells the local avatar to exit looking at KI idle loop (netpropagated)
- Function: PtAvatarExitUsePersBook() - Tells the local avatar to exit using their personal book idle loop (netpropagated)
- Function: PtAvatarSitOnGround() - Tells the local avatar to sit on ground and enter sit idle loop (netpropagated)
- Function: PtAvatarSpawnNext() - Send the avatar to the next spawn point
- Function: PtCanShadowCast()
- Function: PtChangeAvatar(gender) - Change the local avatar's gender (or clothing type)
- Function: PtChangePlayerName(name) - Change the local avatar's name
- Function: PtCheckVisLOS(startPoint,endPoint) - Does LOS check from start to end
- Function: PtCheckVisLOSFromCursor() - Does LOS check from where the mouse cursor is, to into the screen
- Function: PtClearCameraStack() - clears all cameras
- Function: PtClearOfferBookMode()
- Function: PtClearPrivateChatList(memberKey)
- Function: PtClearTimerCallbacks(key) - This will remove timer callbacks to the specified key
- Function: PtConsole(command) - This will execute 'command' as if it were typed into the Plasma console.
- Function: PtConsoleNet(command,netForce) - This will execute 'command' on the console, over the network, on all clients.;If 'netForce' is true then force command to be sent over the network.
- Function: PtCreatePublicAge(ageInfo, cbObject=None) - Create a public instance of the given age. cbObject, if supplied should have a member called publicAgeCreated(self,ageInfo)
- Function: PtDebugAssert(cond, msg) - Debug only: Assert if condition is false.
- Function: PtDetachObject(childObj,parentObj) - Detach child from parent based on ptKey;- childKey is the ptSceneobject of the one being detached;- parentKey is the ptSceneobject of the one being detached from
- Function: PtDirtySyncClients() - DO NOT USE - handled by ptSDL
- Function: PtDirtySyncState(selfKey) - DO NOT USE - handled by ptSDL
- Function: PtDisableAvatarCursorFade() - Disable the avatar cursor fade
- Function: PtDisableAvatarJump() - Disable the ability of the avatar to jump
- Function: PtDisableControlKeyEvents() - Disable the control key events from calling OnControlKeyEvent
- Function: PtDisableForwardMovement() - Disable the ability of the avatar to move forward
- Function: PtDisableMouseMovement() - Disable avatar mouse movement input
- Function: PtDisableMovementKeys() - Disable avatar movement input
- Function: PtDisableRenderScene()
- Function: PtDisableShadows()
- Function: PtEmoteAvatar(emote) - Play an emote on the local avatar (netpropagated)
- Function: PtEnableAvatarCursorFade() - Enable the avatar cursor fade
- Function: PtEnableAvatarJump() - Enable the ability of the avatar to jump
- Function: PtEnableControlKeyEvents() - Enable control key events to call OnControlKeyEvent(controlKey,activateFlag)
- Function: PtEnableForwardMovement() - Enable the ability of the avatar to move forward
- Function: PtEnableMouseMovement() - Enable avatar mouse movement input
- Function: PtEnableMovementKeys() - Enable avatar movement input
- Function: PtEnableRenderScene()
- Function: PtEnableShadows()
- Function: PtExcludeRegionSet(senderKey,regionKey,state) - This will set the state of an exclude region;- 'senderKey' is a ptKey of the PythonFile component;- 'regionKey' is a ptKey of the exclude region;- 'state' is either kExRegRelease or kExRegClear
- Function: PtExcludeRegionSetNow(senderKey,regionKey,state) - This will set the state of an exclude region immediately on the server;- 'senderKey' is a ptKey of the PythonFile component;- 'regionKey' is a ptKey of the exclude region;- 'state' is either kExRegRelease or kExRegClear
- Function: PtFadeIn(lenTime, holdFlag, noSound=0) - Fades screen in for lenTime seconds
- Function: PtFadeLocalAvatar(fade)
- Function: PtFadeOut(lenTime, holdFlag, noSound=0) - Fades screen out for lenTime seconds
- Function: PtFakeLinkAvatarToObject() - pseudo-links avatar to object within the same age
- Function: PtFindSceneobject(name,ageName) - This will try to find a sceneobject based on its name and what age its in;- it will return a ptSceneObject if found- if not found then a NameError exception will happen
- Function: PtFirstPerson() - is the local avatar in first person mode
- Function: PtFogSetDefColor(color) - Sets default fog color
- Function: PtFogSetDefExp(end,density)
- Function: PtFogSetDefExp2(end,density)
- Function: PtFogSetDefLinear(start,end,density)
- Function: PtForceCursorHidden() - Forces the cursor to hide, overriding everything. Only call if other methods won't work. The only way to show the cursor after this call is PtForceMouseShown()
- Function: PtForceCursorShown() - Forces the cursor to show, overriding everything. Only call if other methods won't work. This is the only way to show the cursor after a call to PtForceMouseHidden()
- Function: PtGMTtoDniTime(gtime)
- Function: PtGUICursorDimmed()
- Function: PtGUICursorOff()
- Function: PtGUICursorOn()
- Function: PtGetAgeInfo() - Returns ptAgeInfoStruct of the current Age
- Function: PtGetAgeName() - DEPRECIATED - use ptDniInfoSource instead
- Function: PtGetAgeSDL() - Returns the global ptSDL for the current Age
- Function: PtGetAgeTime() - DEPRECIATED - use ptDniInfoSource instead
- Function: PtGetAgeTimeOfDayPercent() - Returns the age time of day as a percentage 0-1
- Function: PtGetAvatarKeyFromClientID(clientID) - From an integer that is the clientID, find the avatar and return it ptKey
- Function: PtGetCameraNumber() - returns camera x's name from stack
- Function: PtGetClientIDFromAvatarKey(avatarKey) - From a ptKey that points at an avatar, return the players clientID (integer)
- Function: PtGetClientName(avatarKey=None) - This will return the name of the client that is owned by the avatar;- avatarKey is the ptKey of the avatar to get the client name of.;If avatarKey is omitted then the local avatar is used
- Function: PtGetControlEvents(on, key)
- Function: PtGetDefaultSpawnPoint()
- Function: PtGetDialogFromString(dialogName) - Get a ptGUIDialog from its name
- Function: PtGetDialogFromTagID(tagID)
- Function: PtGetDniTime()
- Function: PtGetFrameDeltaTime() - Returns the amount of time that has elapsed since last frame.
- Function: PtGetGameTime() - Returns the system game time (frame based) in seconds.
- Function: PtGetLanguage() - Returns the current language as a PtLanguage enum
- Function: PtGetLocalAvatar() - This will return a ptSceneobject of the local avatar;- if there is no local avatar a NameError exception will happen.
- Function: PtGetLocalClientID()
- Function: PtGetLocalKILevel() - returns local player's ki level
- Function: PtGetLocalPlayer() - Returns a ptPlayer object of the local player
- Function: PtGetMouseTurnSensitivity() - Returns the sensitivity
- Function: PtGetNumCameras() - returns camera stack size
- Function: PtGetNumParticles(key) - Key is the key of scene object host to particle system
- Function: PtGetNumRemotePlayers() - Returns the number of remote players in this Age with you.
- Function: PtGetPlayerList() - Returns a list of ptPlayer object, of all the remote players
- Function: PtGetPlayerListDistanceSorted() - Returns a sorted list of ptPlayers, sorted by distance
- Function: PtGetPrevAgeInfo() - Returns ptAgeInfoStruct of previous age visited
- Function: PtGetPrevAgeName() - Returns filename of previous age visited
- Function: PtGetPublicAgeList(ageName, cbObject=None) - Get list of public ages for the given age name. cbObject, if supplied should have a method called gotPublicAgeList(self,ageList). ageList is a list of tuple(ptAgeInfoStruct,nPlayersInAge)
- Function: PtGetPythonLoggingLevel()
- Function: PtGetServerTime() - Returns the current time on the server (which is GMT)
- Function: PtGetShadowVisDistance() - Returns shadow visible distance
- Function: PtGetTime() - Returns the number of seconds since the game was started.
- Function: PtHideDialog(dialogName) - Hide a GUI dialog by name (does not unload dialog)
- Function: PtIsCCRAway() - Returns current status of CCR dept
- Function: PtIsClickToTurn()
- Function: PtIsCurrentBrainHuman() - Returns whether the local avatar current brain is the human brain
- Function: PtIsDemoMode() - Returns whether the game is in Demo mode or not
- Function: PtIsDialogLoaded(dialogName) - Test to see if a GUI dialog is loaded, by name
- Function: PtIsEnterChatModeKeyBound() - Returns whether the EnterChatMode is bound to a key
- Function: PtIsInternalRelease() - Returns whether the client is an internal build or not
- Function: PtIsMouseInverted()
- Function: PtIsShadowsEnabled()
- Function: PtIsSinglePlayerMode() - Returns whether the game is in single player mode or not
- Function: PtKillParticles(timeRemaining,pctToKill,particleSystem)
- Function: PtLimitAvatarLOD(LODlimit) - Sets avatar's LOD limit
- Function: PtLoadAvatarModel(modelName, spawnPoint) - Loads an avatar model at the given spawn point
- Function: PtLoadBookGUI(guiName) - Loads the gui specified, a gui must be loaded before it can be used. If the gui is already loaded, doesn't do anything
- Function: PtLoadDialog(dialogName,selfKey=None) - Loads a GUI dialog by name and optionally set the Notify proc key;If the dialog is already loaded then it won't load it again
- Function: PtLoadJPEGFromDisk(filename, width, height) - The image will be resized to fit the width and height arguments. Set to 0 if resizing is not desired.;Returns a pyImage of the specified file.
- Function: PtMaxListenDistSq() - Returns the maximum distance (squared) of the listen range
- Function: PtMaxListenListSize() - Returns the maximum listen number of players
- Function: PtNotifyOffererLinkAccepted(offerer)
- Function: PtNotifyOffererLinkCompleted(offerer)
- Function: PtNotifyOffererLinkRejected(offerer)
- Function: PtPageInHold(nodeName) - Page in hold a node
- Function: PtPageInNode(nodeName) - Pages in node, or a list of nodes
- Function: PtPageOutNode(nodeName) - Pages out a node
- Function: PtPrintToScreen(message) - Prints 'message' to the status log, for debug only.
- Function: PtRateIt(chronicleName,dialogPrompt,onceFlag) - Shows a dialog with dialogPrompt and stores user input rating into chronicleName
- Function: PtRebuildCameraStack() - push camera with this name on the stack
- Function: PtRecenterCamera() - re-centers the camera
- Function: PtRemovePublicAge(ageInstanceGuid, cbObject=None) - Create a public instance of the given age. cbObject, if supplied should have a member called publicAgeRemoved(self,ageInstanceGuid)
- Function: PtRequestLOSScreen(selfKey,ID,xPos,yPos,distance,reportType)
- Function: PtResetAgeSDL() - Reset age sdl
- Function: PtSaveScreenShot(fileName, width, height, quality)
- Function: PtSendChatToCCR(message) - Sends a chat message to a CCR that has contacted this player
- Function: PtSendKIGZMarkerMsg(markerNumber,sender) - Same as PtSendKIMessageInt except 'sender' could get a notify message back;
- Function: PtSendKIMessage(command,value) - Sends a command message to the KI frontend.;See for list of commands
- Function: PtSendKIMessageInt(command,value) - Same as PtSendKIMessage except the value is garanteed to be a UInt32;(for things like player IDs)
- Function: PtSendPetitionToCCR(message) - Sends a petition with a message to the CCR group
- Function: PtSendPrivateChatList(chatList)
- Function: PtSendRTChat(fromPlayer,toPlayerList,message,flags) - Sends a realtime chat message to the list of ptPlayer
- Function: PtSetAlarm(secs, cbObject, cbContext) - secs is the amount of time before your alarm goes off.;cbObject is a python object with the method onAlarm(int context);cbContext is an integer.
- Function: PtSetBehaviorLoopCount(behaviorKey,stage,loopCount,netForce) - This will set the loop count for a particular stage in a multistage behavior
- Function: PtSetClearColor(red, green, blue) - Set the clear color
- Function: PtSetClickToTurn()
- Function: PtSetGamma2(gamma) - Set the gamma with gamma2 rules
- Function: PtSetGlobalClickability(enable)
- Function: PtSetLightAnimStart(key,start) - Key is the key of scene object host to light, start is a bool
- Function: PtSetLightValue(key,r,g,b,a) - Key is the key of scene object host to light
- Function: PtSetMouseInverted()
- Function: PtSetMouseTurnSensitivity(sensitivity) - Set the mouse sensitivity
- Function: PtSetMouseUniverted()
- Function: PtSetOfferBookMode(selfkey,ageFilename,ageInstanceName)
- Function: PtSetParticleDissentPoint(x, y, z, particlesys)
- Function: PtSetParticleOffset(x, y, z, particlesys)
- Function: PtSetPythonLoggingLevel(level)
- Function: PtSetShadowVisDistance(distance)
- Function: PtSetShareSpawnPoint(spawnPoint) - This sets the desired spawn point for the receiver to link to
- Function: PtShootBulletFromObject(selfkey, gunObj, radius, range) - Shoots a bullet from an object
- Function: PtShootBulletFromScreen(selfkey, xPos, yPos, radius, range) - Shoots a bullet from a position on the screen
- Function: PtShowDialog(dialogName) - Show a GUI dialog by name (does not load dialog)
- Function: PtStartScreenCapture(selfKey, width, height) - Starts a capture of the screen
- Function: PtToggleAvatarClickability(on)
- Function: PtTransferParticlesToObject(objFrom, objTo, num)
- Function: PtUnLoadAvatarModel(avatarKey)
- Function: PtUnloadAllBookGUIs() - Unloads all loaded guis except for the default one
- Function: PtUnloadBookGUI(guiName) - Unloads the gui specified. If the gui isn't loaded, doesn't do anything
- Function: PtUnloadDialog(dialogName) - This will unload the GUI dialog by name. If not loaded then nothing will happen
- Function: PtUsingUnicode() - Returns true if the current language is a unicode language (like Japanese)
- Function: PtValidateKey(key) - Returns true(1) if 'key' is valid and loaded,;otherwise returns false(0)
- Function: PtWasLocallyNotified() - Returns 1 if the last notify was local or 0 if the notify orginated on the network
- Function: PtWearDefaultClothing(key)
- Function: PtWearDefaultClothingType(key, type)
- Function: PtWearMaintainerSuit(key, wearOrNot)
- Function: PtWhatGUIControlType(guiKey)
- Function: PtYesNoDialog(selfkey,dialogMessage) - This will display a Yes/No dialog to the user with the text dialogMessage;This dialog _has_ to be answered by the user.;And their answer will be returned in a Notify message.
Class: ptAgeInfoStruct
- Method: copyFrom(other) - Copies data from one ptAgeInfoStruct to this one
- Method: getAgeFilename() - Gets the Age's filename
- Method: getAgeInstanceGuid() - Get the Age's instance GUID
- Method: getAgeInstanceName() - Get the instance name of the Age
- Method: getAgeLanguage() - Gets the age's language (integer)
- Method: getAgeSequenceNumber() - Gets the unique sequenece number
- Method: getAgeUserDefinedName() - Gets the user defined part of the Age name
- Method: getDisplayName() - Returns a string that is the displayable name of the age instance
- Method: setAgeFilename(filename) - Sets the filename of the Age
- Method: setAgeInstanceGuid(guid) - Sets the Age instance's GUID
- Method: setAgeInstanceName(instanceName) - Sets the instance name of the Age
- Method: setAgeLanguage(lang) - Sets the age's language (integer)
- Method: setAgeSequenceNumber(seqNumber) - Sets the unique sequence number
- Method: setAgeUserDefinedName(udName) - Sets the user defined part of the Age
Class: ptAgeInfoStructRef
- Method: copyFrom()
- Method: getAgeFilename()
- Method: getAgeInstanceGuid()
- Method: getAgeInstanceName()
- Method: getAgeSequenceNumber()
- Method: getAgeUserDefinedName()
- Method: getDisplayName()
- Method: setAgeFilename()
- Method: setAgeInstanceGuid()
- Method: setAgeInstanceName()
- Method: setAgeSequenceNumber()
- Method: setAgeUserDefinedName()
Class: ptAgeLinkStruct
- Method: copyFrom(other) - Copies data from one ptAgeLinkStruct to this one
- Method: getAgeInfo() - Returns a ptAgeInfoStruct of the AgeInfo for this link
- Method: getLinkingRules() - Returns the linking rules of this link
- Method: getParentAgeFilename() - Returns a string of the parent age filename
- Method: getSpawnPoint() - Gets the spawn point name of this link
- Method: setAgeInfo(ageInfo) - Sets the AgeInfoStruct from the data in ageInfo
- Method: setLinkingRules(rule) - Sets the linking rules for this link
- Method: setParentAgeFilename(ageInfo) - Sets the parent age filename for child age links
- Method: setSpawnPoint(spawnPtName) - Sets the spawn point name of this link
Class: ptAgeLinkStructRef
- Method: copyFrom()
- Method: getAgeInfo()
- Method: getLinkingRules()
- Method: getSpawnPoint()
- Method: setAgeInfo()
- Method: setLinkingRules()
- Method: setSpawnPoint()
Class: ptAgeVault
- Method: addChronicleEntry(name,type,value)
- Method: addDevice(deviceName,cb,cbContext)
- Method: findChronicleEntry(entryName)
- Method: getAgeDevicesFolder() - Returns a ptVaultFolderNode of the inboxes for the devices in this Age.
- Method: getAgeGuid() - Returns the current Age's guid as a string.
- Method: getAgeInfo() - Returns a ptVaultAgeInfoNode of the this Age
- Method: getAgeSDL()
- Method: getAgesIOwnFolder() - Returns a ptVaultFolderNode that contain the Ages I own
- Method: getChronicleFolder()
- Method: getDevice(deviceName)
- Method: getDeviceInbox(deviceName) - Returns a ptVaultFolderNodeof the inbox for the device 'deviceName' in this Age.
- Method: getPeopleIKnowAboutFolder() - Returns a ptVaultPlayerInfoListNode of the players the Age knows about(?).
- Method: getPublicAgesFolder() - Returns a ptVaultFolderNode that contains all the public Ages
- Method: getSubAgeLink(ageName) - Returns a ptVaultAgeLinkNode to 'ageName' for this Age.
- Method: getSubAgesFolder() - Returns a ptVaultFolderNode of sub Age's folder.
- Method: hasDevice(deviceName)
- Method: isConnected() - Is the Age vault connected to the server Returns 1 or 0
- Method: removeDevice(deviceName)
- Method: setAgeGuid(guidString) - Not sure if this is suppose to be used. Sets current Age's guid.
- Method: setDeviceInbox(deviceName,inboxName,cb,cbContext)
- Method: updateAgeSDL(pyrec)
Class: ptAnimation
- Method: addKey(key) - Adds an animation modifier to the list of receiver keys
- Method: backwards(backwardsFlag)
- Method: getFirstKey() - This will return a ptKey object that is the first receiver (target);However, if the parent is not a modifier or not loaded, then None is returned.
- Method: incrementBackward()
- Method: incrementForward()
- Method: looped(loopedFlag)
- Method: netForce(forceFlag) - Specify whether this object needs to use messages that are forced to the network;- This is to be used if your Python program is running on only one client;Such as a game master, only running on the client that owns a particular object
- Method: play()
- Method: playRange(start,end)
- Method: playToPercentage(zeroToOne)
- Method: playToTime(time)
- Method: resume()
- Method: sender(selfKey) - Sets the sender of the messages being sent to the animation modifier
- Method: setAnimName(name) - Sets the animation notetrack name (or (Entire Animation))
- Method: setLoopEnd(loopEnd) - Sets the loop ending position;- 'loopEnd' is the number of seconds from the absolute beginning of the animation
- Method: setLoopStart(loopStart) - Sets the loop starting position;- 'loopStart' is the number of seconds from the absolute beginning of the animation
- Method: skipToBegin()
- Method: skipToEnd()
- Method: skipToLoopBegin()
- Method: skipToLoopEnd()
- Method: skipToTime(time)
- Method: speed(speed)
- Method: stop()
Class: ptAudioControl
- Method: canSetMicLevel() - Can the microphone level be set? Returns 1 if true otherwise returns 0.
- Method: disable() - Disables audio
- Method: enable() - Enables audio
- Method: enableVoiceCompression(state) - Enables or disables voice compression.
- Method: enableVoiceNetBroadcast(state) - Enables or disables voice over network broadcast.
- Method: enableVoiceRecording(state) - Enables or disables voice recording.
- Method: getAmbienceVolume() - Returns the volume (0.0 to 1.0) for the Ambience.
- Method: getGUIVolume() - Returns the volume (0.0 to 1.0) for the GUI dialogs.
- Method: getMicLevel() - Returns the microphone recording level (0.0 to 1.0).
- Method: getMusicVolume() - Returns the volume (0.0 to 1.0) for the Music.
- Method: getNPCVoiceVolume() - Returns the volume (0.0 to 1.0) for the NPC's voice.
- Method: getPriorityCutoff() - Returns current sound priority
- Method: getSoundFXVolume() - Returns the volume (0.0 to 1.0) for the Sound FX.
- Method: getVoiceVolume() - Returns the volume (0.0 to 1.0) for the Voices.
- Method: hideIcons() - Hides (disables) the voice recording icons.
- Method: isEnabled() - Is the audio enabled? Returns 1 if true otherwise returns 0.
- Method: isHardwareAccelerated() - Is audio hardware acceleration enabled? Returns 1 if true otherwise returns 0.
- Method: isMuted() - Are all sounds muted? Returns 1 if true otherwise returns 0.
- Method: isUsingEAXAcceleration() - Is EAX sound acceleration enabled? Returns 1 if true otherwise returns 0.
- Method: isVoiceCompressionEnabled() - Is voice compression enabled? Returns 1 if true otherwise returns 0.
- Method: isVoiceNetBroadcastEnabled() - Is voice over net enabled? Returns 1 if true otherwise returns 0.
- Method: isVoiceRecordingEnabled() - Is voice recording enabled? Returns 1 if true otherwise returns 0.
- Method: muteAll() - Mutes all sounds.
- Method: pushToTalk(state) - Enables or disables 'push-to-talk'.
- Method: recordFrame(size) - Sets the voice packet frame size.
- Method: recordSampleRate(sampleRate) - Sets the recording sample rate.
- Method: setAmbienceVolume(volume) - Sets the Ambience volume (0.0 to 1.0) for the game.;This only sets the volume for this game session.
- Method: setGUIVolume(volume) - Sets the GUI dialog volume (0.0 to 1.0) for the game.;This only sets the volume for this game session.
- Method: setLoadOnDemand(state) - Enables or disables the load on demand for sounds.
- Method: setMicLevel(level) - Sets the microphone recording level (0.0 to 1.0).
- Method: setMusicVolume(volume) - Sets the Music volume (0.0 to 1.0) for the game.;This only sets the volume for this game session.
- Method: setNPCVoiceVolume(volume) - Sets the NPC's voice volume (0.0 to 1.0) for the game.;This only sets the volume for this game session.
- Method: setPriorityCutoff(priority) - Sets the sound priority
- Method: setSoundFXVolume(volume) - Sets the SoundFX volume (0.0 to 1.0) for the game.;This only sets the volume for this game session.
- Method: setTwoStageLOD(state) - Enables or disables two-stage LOD, where sounds can be loaded into RAM but not into sound buffers.;...Less of a performance hit, harder on memory.
- Method: setVoiceVolume(volume) - Sets the Voice volume (0.0 to 1.0) for the game.;This only sets the volume for this game session.
- Method: showIcons() - Shows (enables) the voice recording icons.
- Method: squelchLevel(level) - Sets the squelch level.
- Method: unmuteAll() - Unmutes all sounds.
- Method: useEAXAcceleration(state) - Enables or disables EAX sound acceleration (requires hardware acceleration).
- Method: useHardwareAcceleration(state) - Enables or disables audio hardware acceleration.
Class: ptAvatar
- Method: addWardrobeClothingItem(clothing_name,tint1,tint2) - To add a clothing item to the avatar's wardrobe (closet)
- Method: enterSubWorld(sceneobject) - Places the avatar into the subworld of the ptSceneobject specified
- Method: exitSubWorld() - Exits the avatar from the subWorld where it was
- Method: getAllWithSameMesh(clothing_name) - Returns a lilst of all clothing items that use the same mesh as the specified one
- Method: getAvatarClothingGroup() - Returns what clothing group the avatar belongs to.;Is also a means to determine if avatar is male or female
- Method: getAvatarClothingList() - Returns a list of clothes that the avatar is currently wearing.
- Method: getClosetClothingList(clothing_type) - Returns a list of clothes for the avatar that are in specified clothing group.
- Method: getCurrentMode() - Returns current brain mode for avatar
- Method: getEntireClothingList(clothing_type) - Gets the entire list of clothing available. 'clothing_type' not used;NOTE: should use getClosetClothingList
- Method: getMatchingClothingItem(clothingName) - Finds the matching clothing item that goes with 'clothingName';Used to find matching left and right gloves and shoes.
- Method: getMorph(clothing_name,layer) - Get the current morph value
- Method: getSkinBlend(layer) - Get the current skin blend value
- Method: getTintClothingItem(clothing_name) - Returns a ptColor of a paricualr item of clothing that the avatar is wearing.;The color will be a ptColor object.
- Method: getTintSkin() - Returns a ptColor of the current skin tint for the avatar
- Method: getUniqueMeshList(clothing_type) - Returns a list of unique clothing items of the desired type (different meshes)
- Method: getWardrobeClothingList() - Return a list of items that are in the avatars closet
- Method: gotoStage(behaviorKey,stage,transitionTime,setTimeFlag,newTime,SetDirectionFlag,isForward,netForce) - Tells a multstage behavior to go to a paricular stage
- Method: netForce(forceFlag) - Specify whether this object needs to use messages that are forced to the network;- This is to be used if your Python program is running on only one client;Such as a game master, only running on the client that owns a particular object
- Method: nextStage(behaviorKey,transitionTime,setTimeFlag,newTime,SetDirectionFlag,isForward,netForce) - Tells a multstage behavior to go to the next stage (Why does Matt like so many parameters?)
- Method: oneShot(seekKey,duration,usePhysicsFlag,animationName,drivableFlag,reversibleFlag) - Plays a one-shot animation on the avatar
- Method: playSimpleAnimation(animName) - Play simple animation on avatar
- Method: previousStage(behaviorKey,transitionTime,setTimeFlag,newTime,SetDirectionFlag,isForward,netForce) - Tells a multstage behavior to go to the previous stage
- Method: registerForBehaviorNotify(selfKey) - This will register for behavior notifies from the avatar
- Method: removeClothingItem(clothing_name,update=1) - Tells the avatar to remove a particular item of clothing.
- Method: runBehavior(behaviorKey) - Runs a behavior on the avatar. Can be a single oy multi-stage behavior.
- Method: runBehaviorSetNotify() - same as run behavior, except send notifications to specified key'd object
- Method: saveClothing() - Saves the current clothing options (including morphs) to the vault
- Method: setMorph(clothing_name,layer,value) - Set the morph value (clipped between -1 and 1)
- Method: setReplyKey(key)
- Method: setSkinBlend(layer,value) - Set the skin blend (value between 0 and 1)
- Method: tintClothingItem(clothing_name,tint,update=1) - Tells the avatar to tint(color) a particular item of clothing that they are already wearing.;'tint' is a ptColor object
- Method: tintClothingItemLayer(clothing_name,tint,layer,update=1) - Tells the avatar to tint(color) a paritcular layer of a particular item of clothing.
- Method: tintSkin(tint,update=1) - Tints all of the skin on the avatar, with the ptColor tint
- Method: unRegisterForBehaviorNotify(selfKey) - This will unregister behavior notifications
- Method: wearClothingItem(clothing_name,update=1) - Tells the avatar to wear a particular item of clothing.;And optionaly hold update until later (for applying tinting before wearing).
Class: ptBook
- Method: allowPageTurning(allow) - Turns on and off the ability to flip the pages in a book
- Method: close()
- Method: closeAndHide()
- Method: getCurrentPage()
- Method: getEditableText() - Returns the editable text currently contained in the book.
- Method: getMovie(index) - Grabs a ptAnimation object representing the movie indexed by index. The index is the index of the movie in the source code
- Method: goToPage(page)
- Method: hide()
- Method: nextPage()
- Method: open(startingPage)
- Method: previousPage()
- Method: setEditable(editable) - Turn book editing on or off. If the book GUI does not support editing, nothing will happen
- Method: setEditableText(text) - Sets the book's editable text.
- Method: setGUI(guiName) - Sets the gui to be used by the book, if the requested gui is not loaded, it will use the default;Do not call while the book is open!
- Method: setPageMargin(margin)
- Method: setSize(width,height)
- Method: show(startOpened)
Class: ptCamera
- Method: controlKey(controlKey,activateFlag) - Send a control key to the camera as if it was hit by the user.;This is for sending things like pan-up, pan-down, zoom-in, etc.
- Method: disableFirstPersonOverride() - Does _not_ allow the user to override the camera to go to first person camera.
- Method: enableFirstPersonOverride() - Allows the user to override the camera and go to a first person camera.
- Method: getFOV() - Returns the current cameras FOV(h)
- Method: isSmootherCam()
- Method: isStayInFirstPerson()
- Method: isWalkAndVerticalPan()
- Method: restore(cameraKey) - Restores camera to saved one
- Method: save(cameraKey) - Saves the current camera and sets the camera to cameraKey
- Method: set(cameraKey,time,save) - DO NOT USE
- Method: setFOV(fov, time) - Sets the current cameras FOV (based on h)
- Method: setSmootherCam(state) - Set the faster cams thing
- Method: setStayInFirstPerson(state) - Set Stay In First Person Always
- Method: setWalkAndVerticalPan(state) - Set Walk and chew gum
- Method: undoFirstPerson() - If the user has overridden the camera to be in first person, this will take them out of first person.;If the user didn't override the camera, then this will do nothing.
Class: ptClimbingWallMsg
- Method: addBlocker() - add a blocker to the game state - value, index, bool north or south
- Method: createGameState() - create new game state message
- Method: init() - initialize type, state, and value
- Method: send() - Send the message
Class: ptCluster
- Method: setVisible() - Params:visible;Shows or hides the cluster object
Class: ptColor
- Method: black() - Sets the color to be black;Example: black = ptColor().black()
- Method: blue() - Sets the color to be blue;Example: blue = ptColor().blue()
- Method: brown() - Sets the color to be brown;Example: brown = ptColor().brown()
- Method: cyan() - Sets the color to be cyan;Example: cyan = ptColor.cyan()
- Method: darkbrown() - Sets the color to be darkbrown;Example: darkbrown = ptColor().darkbrown()
- Method: darkgreen() - Sets the color to be darkgreen;Example: darkgreen = ptColor().darkgreen()
- Method: darkpurple() - Sets the color to be darkpurple;Example: darkpurple = ptColor().darkpurple()
- Method: getAlpha() - Get the alpha blend component of the color
- Method: getBlue() - Get the blue component of the color
- Method: getGreen() - Get the green component of the color
- Method: getRed() - Get the red component of the color
- Method: gray() - Sets the color to be gray;Example: gray = ptColor().gray()
- Method: green() - Sets the color to be green;Example: green = ptColor().green()
- Method: magenta() - Sets the color to be magenta;Example: magenta = ptColor().magenta()
- Method: maroon() - Sets the color to be maroon;Example: maroon = ptColor().maroon()
- Method: navyblue() - Sets the color to be navyblue;Example: navyblue = ptColor().navyblue()
- Method: orange() - Sets the color to be orange;Example: orange = ptColor().orange()
- Method: pink() - Sets the color to be pink;Example: pink = ptColor().pink()
- Method: red() - Sets the color to be red;Example: red = ptColor().red()
- Method: setAlpha(alpha) - Set the alpha blend component of the color. 0.0 to 1.0
- Method: setBlue(blue) - Set the blue component of the color. 0.0 to 1.0
- Method: setGreen(green) - Set the green component of the color. 0.0 to 1.0
- Method: setRed(red) - Set the red component of the color. 0.0 to 1.0
- Method: slateblue() - Sets the color to be slateblue;Example: slateblue = ptColor().slateblue()
- Method: steelblue() - Sets the color to be steelblue;Example: steelblue = ptColor().steelblue()
- Method: tan() - Sets the color to be tan;Example: tan = ptColor().tan()
- Method: white() - Sets the color to be white;Example: white = ptColor().white()
- Method: yellow() - Sets the color to be yellow;Example: yellow = ptColor().yellow()
Class: ptDniCoordinates
- Method: getHSpans() - Returns the HSpans component of the coordinate
- Method: getTorans() - Returns the Torans component of the coordinate
- Method: getVSpans() - Returns the VSpans component of the coordinate
- Method: update() - Update these coordinates with the players current position
Class: ptDniInfoSource
- Method: getAgeCoords() - Current coords of the player in current age as a ptDniCoordinates
- Method: getAgeGuid() - Unique identifier for this age instance
- Method: getAgeName() - Name of current age
- Method: getAgeTime() - Current time in current age (tbd)
Class: ptDraw
- Method: disable() - Disables the draw on the sceneobject attached;In other words, makes it invisible
- Method: enable(state=1) - Sets the draw enable for the sceneobject attached
- Method: netForce(forceFlag) - Specify whether this object needs to use messages that are forced to the network;- This is to be used if your Python program is running on only one client;Such as a game master, only running on the client that owns a particular object
Class: ptDynamicMap
- Method: addKey(key) - Add a receiver... in other words a DynamicMap
- Method: clearKeys() - Clears the receiver list
- Method: clearToColor(color) - Clear the DynamicMap to the specified color;- 'color' is a ptColor object
- Method: drawImage(x,y,image,respectAlphaFlag) - Draws a ptImage object on the dynamicTextmap starting at the location x,y
- Method: drawImageClipped(x,y,image,cx,cy,cw,ch,respectAlphaFlag) - Draws a ptImage object clipped to cx,cy with cw(width),ch(height)
- Method: drawText(x,y,text) - Draw text at a specified location;- x,y is the point to start drawing the text;- 'text' is a string of the text to be drawn
- Method: drawTextW(x,y,text) - Unicode version of drawText
- Method: fillRect(left,top,right,bottom,color) - Fill in the specified rectangle with a color;- left,top,right,bottom define the rectangle;- 'color' is a ptColor object
- Method: flush() - Flush all the commands that were issued since the last flush()
- Method: frameRect(left,top,right,bottom,color) - Frame a rectangle with a specified color;- left,top,right,bottom define the rectangle;- 'color' is a ptColor object
- Method: getHeight() - Returns the height of the dynamicTextmap
- Method: getWidth() - Returns the width of the dynamicTextmap
- Method: netForce(forceFlag) - Specify whether this object needs to use messages that are forced to the network;- This is to be used if your Python program is running on only one client;Such as a game master, only running on the client that owns a particular object;This only applies when NetPropagate is set to true
- Method: netPropagate(propagateFlag) - Specify whether this object needs to use messages that are sent on the network;- The default is for this to be false.
- Method: purgeImage() - Purge the DynamicTextMap images
- Method: sender(sender) - Set the sender of the message being sent to the DynamicMap
- Method: setClipping(clipLeft,clipTop,clipRight,clipBottom) - Sets the clipping rectangle;- All drawtext will be clipped to this until the;unsetClipping() is called
- Method: setFont(facename,size) - Set the font of the text to be written;- 'facename' is a string with the name of the font;- 'size' is the point size of the font to use
- Method: setJustify(justify) - Sets the justification of the text. (justify is a PtJustify)
- Method: setLineSpacing(spacing) - Sets the line spacing (in pixels)
- Method: setTextColor(color, blockRGB = 0) - Set the color of the text to be written;- 'color' is a ptColor object;- 'blockRGB' must be true if you're trying to render onto a transparent or semi-transparent color
- Method: setWrapping(wrapWidth,wrapHeight) - Set where text will be wrapped horizontally and vertically;- All drawtext commands will be wrapped until the;unsetWrapping() is called
- Method: unsetClipping() - Stop the clipping of text
- Method: unsetWrapping() - Stop text wrapping
Class: ptGUIControl
- Method: disable() - Disables this GUI control
- Method: enable() - Enables this GUI control
- Method: focus() - Gets focus for this GUI control
- Method: getBackColor()
- Method: getBackSelectColor()
- Method: getFontSize()
- Method: getForeColor()
- Method: getKey() - Returns the ptKey for this GUI control
- Method: getObjectCenter() - Returns ptPoint3 of the center of the GUI control object
- Method: getOwnerDialog() - Returns a ptGUIDialog of the dialog that owns this GUI control
- Method: getSelectColor()
- Method: getTagID() - Returns the Tag ID for this GUI control
- Method: hide() - Hides this GUI control
- Method: isEnabled() - Returns whether this GUI control is enabled
- Method: isFocused() - Returns whether this GUI control has focus
- Method: isInteresting() - Returns whether this GUI control is interesting at the moment
- Method: isVisible() - Returns whether this GUI control is visible
- Method: refresh()
- Method: setBackColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setBackSelectColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setFocus(state) - Sets the state of the focus of this GUI control
- Method: setFontSize(fontSize)
- Method: setForeColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setNotifyOnInteresting(state) - Sets whether this control should send interesting events or not
- Method: setObjectCenter(point) - Sets the GUI controls object center to 'point'
- Method: setSelectColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setVisible(state) - Sets the state of visibility of this GUI control
- Method: show() - Shows this GUI control
- Method: unFocus() - Releases focus for this GUI control
Class: ptGUIControlButton
- Method: disable() - Disables this GUI control
- Method: enable() - Enables this GUI control
- Method: focus() - Gets focus for this GUI control
- Method: getBackColor()
- Method: getBackSelectColor()
- Method: getFontSize()
- Method: getForeColor()
- Method: getKey() - Returns the ptKey for this GUI control
- Method: getNotifyType() - Will this button notify on button down? Returns 1 for true otherwise returns 0
- Method: getObjectCenter() - Returns ptPoint3 of the center of the GUI control object
- Method: getOwnerDialog() - Returns a ptGUIDialog of the dialog that owns this GUI control
- Method: getSelectColor()
- Method: getTagID() - Returns the Tag ID for this GUI control
- Method: hide() - Hides this GUI control
- Method: isButtonDown() - Is the button down? Returns 1 for true otherwise returns 0
- Method: isEnabled() - Returns whether this GUI control is enabled
- Method: isFocused() - Returns whether this GUI control has focus
- Method: isInteresting() - Returns whether this GUI control is interesting at the moment
- Method: isVisible() - Returns whether this GUI control is visible
- Method: refresh()
- Method: setBackColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setBackSelectColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setFocus(state) - Sets the state of the focus of this GUI control
- Method: setFontSize(fontSize)
- Method: setForeColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setNotifyOnInteresting(state) - Sets whether this control should send interesting events or not
- Method: setNotifyType(kind) - Sets this button's notify type. See PtButtonNotifyTypes
- Method: setObjectCenter(point) - Sets the GUI controls object center to 'point'
- Method: setSelectColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setVisible(state) - Sets the state of visibility of this GUI control
- Method: show() - Shows this GUI control
- Method: unFocus() - Releases focus for this GUI control
Class: ptGUIControlCheckBox
- Method: disable() - Disables this GUI control
- Method: enable() - Enables this GUI control
- Method: focus() - Gets focus for this GUI control
- Method: getBackColor()
- Method: getBackSelectColor()
- Method: getFontSize()
- Method: getForeColor()
- Method: getKey() - Returns the ptKey for this GUI control
- Method: getObjectCenter() - Returns ptPoint3 of the center of the GUI control object
- Method: getOwnerDialog() - Returns a ptGUIDialog of the dialog that owns this GUI control
- Method: getSelectColor()
- Method: getTagID() - Returns the Tag ID for this GUI control
- Method: hide() - Hides this GUI control
- Method: isChecked() - Is this checkbox checked? Returns 1 for true otherwise returns 0
- Method: isEnabled() - Returns whether this GUI control is enabled
- Method: isFocused() - Returns whether this GUI control has focus
- Method: isInteresting() - Returns whether this GUI control is interesting at the moment
- Method: isVisible() - Returns whether this GUI control is visible
- Method: refresh()
- Method: setBackColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setBackSelectColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setChecked(checkedState) - Sets this checkbox to the 'checkedState'
- Method: setFocus(state) - Sets the state of the focus of this GUI control
- Method: setFontSize(fontSize)
- Method: setForeColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setNotifyOnInteresting(state) - Sets whether this control should send interesting events or not
- Method: setObjectCenter(point) - Sets the GUI controls object center to 'point'
- Method: setSelectColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setVisible(state) - Sets the state of visibility of this GUI control
- Method: show() - Shows this GUI control
- Method: unFocus() - Releases focus for this GUI control
Class: ptGUIControlClickMap
- Method: disable() - Disables this GUI control
- Method: enable() - Enables this GUI control
- Method: focus() - Gets focus for this GUI control
- Method: getBackColor()
- Method: getBackSelectColor()
- Method: getFontSize()
- Method: getForeColor()
- Method: getKey() - Returns the ptKey for this GUI control
- Method: getLastMouseDragPoint()
- Method: getLastMousePoint()
- Method: getLastMouseUpPoint()
- Method: getObjectCenter() - Returns ptPoint3 of the center of the GUI control object
- Method: getOwnerDialog() - Returns a ptGUIDialog of the dialog that owns this GUI control
- Method: getSelectColor()
- Method: getTagID() - Returns the Tag ID for this GUI control
- Method: hide() - Hides this GUI control
- Method: isEnabled() - Returns whether this GUI control is enabled
- Method: isFocused() - Returns whether this GUI control has focus
- Method: isInteresting() - Returns whether this GUI control is interesting at the moment
- Method: isVisible() - Returns whether this GUI control is visible
- Method: refresh()
- Method: setBackColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setBackSelectColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setFocus(state) - Sets the state of the focus of this GUI control
- Method: setFontSize(fontSize)
- Method: setForeColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setNotifyOnInteresting(state) - Sets whether this control should send interesting events or not
- Method: setObjectCenter(point) - Sets the GUI controls object center to 'point'
- Method: setSelectColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setVisible(state) - Sets the state of visibility of this GUI control
- Method: show() - Shows this GUI control
- Method: unFocus() - Releases focus for this GUI control
Class: ptGUIControlDragBar
- Method: anchor() - Don't allow this dragbar object to be moved by the user.;Drop anchor!
- Method: disable() - Disables this GUI control
- Method: enable() - Enables this GUI control
- Method: focus() - Gets focus for this GUI control
- Method: getBackColor()
- Method: getBackSelectColor()
- Method: getFontSize()
- Method: getForeColor()
- Method: getKey() - Returns the ptKey for this GUI control
- Method: getObjectCenter() - Returns ptPoint3 of the center of the GUI control object
- Method: getOwnerDialog() - Returns a ptGUIDialog of the dialog that owns this GUI control
- Method: getSelectColor()
- Method: getTagID() - Returns the Tag ID for this GUI control
- Method: hide() - Hides this GUI control
- Method: isAnchored() - Is this dragbar control anchored? Returns 1 if true otherwise returns 0
- Method: isEnabled() - Returns whether this GUI control is enabled
- Method: isFocused() - Returns whether this GUI control has focus
- Method: isInteresting() - Returns whether this GUI control is interesting at the moment
- Method: isVisible() - Returns whether this GUI control is visible
- Method: refresh()
- Method: setBackColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setBackSelectColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setFocus(state) - Sets the state of the focus of this GUI control
- Method: setFontSize(fontSize)
- Method: setForeColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setNotifyOnInteresting(state) - Sets whether this control should send interesting events or not
- Method: setObjectCenter(point) - Sets the GUI controls object center to 'point'
- Method: setSelectColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setVisible(state) - Sets the state of visibility of this GUI control
- Method: show() - Shows this GUI control
- Method: unFocus() - Releases focus for this GUI control
- Method: unanchor() - Allow the user to drag this control around the screen.;Raise anchor.
Class: ptGUIControlDraggable
- Method: disable() - Disables this GUI control
- Method: enable() - Enables this GUI control
- Method: focus() - Gets focus for this GUI control
- Method: getBackColor()
- Method: getBackSelectColor()
- Method: getFontSize()
- Method: getForeColor()
- Method: getKey() - Returns the ptKey for this GUI control
- Method: getLastMousePoint()
- Method: getObjectCenter() - Returns ptPoint3 of the center of the GUI control object
- Method: getOwnerDialog() - Returns a ptGUIDialog of the dialog that owns this GUI control
- Method: getSelectColor()
- Method: getTagID() - Returns the Tag ID for this GUI control
- Method: hide() - Hides this GUI control
- Method: isEnabled() - Returns whether this GUI control is enabled
- Method: isFocused() - Returns whether this GUI control has focus
- Method: isInteresting() - Returns whether this GUI control is interesting at the moment
- Method: isVisible() - Returns whether this GUI control is visible
- Method: refresh()
- Method: setBackColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setBackSelectColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setFocus(state) - Sets the state of the focus of this GUI control
- Method: setFontSize(fontSize)
- Method: setForeColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setNotifyOnInteresting(state) - Sets whether this control should send interesting events or not
- Method: setObjectCenter(point) - Sets the GUI controls object center to 'point'
- Method: setSelectColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setVisible(state) - Sets the state of visibility of this GUI control
- Method: show() - Shows this GUI control
- Method: stopDragging(cancelFlag)
- Method: unFocus() - Releases focus for this GUI control
Class: ptGUIControlDynamicText
- Method: disable() - Disables this GUI control
- Method: enable() - Enables this GUI control
- Method: focus() - Gets focus for this GUI control
- Method: getBackColor()
- Method: getBackSelectColor()
- Method: getFontSize()
- Method: getForeColor()
- Method: getKey() - Returns the ptKey for this GUI control
- Method: getMap(index) - Returns a specific ptDynamicText attached to this contol;If there is no map at 'index' then a KeyError exception will be raised
- Method: getNumMaps() - Returns the number of ptDynamicText maps attached
- Method: getObjectCenter() - Returns ptPoint3 of the center of the GUI control object
- Method: getOwnerDialog() - Returns a ptGUIDialog of the dialog that owns this GUI control
- Method: getSelectColor()
- Method: getTagID() - Returns the Tag ID for this GUI control
- Method: hide() - Hides this GUI control
- Method: isEnabled() - Returns whether this GUI control is enabled
- Method: isFocused() - Returns whether this GUI control has focus
- Method: isInteresting() - Returns whether this GUI control is interesting at the moment
- Method: isVisible() - Returns whether this GUI control is visible
- Method: refresh()
- Method: setBackColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setBackSelectColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setFocus(state) - Sets the state of the focus of this GUI control
- Method: setFontSize(fontSize)
- Method: setForeColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setNotifyOnInteresting(state) - Sets whether this control should send interesting events or not
- Method: setObjectCenter(point) - Sets the GUI controls object center to 'point'
- Method: setSelectColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setVisible(state) - Sets the state of visibility of this GUI control
- Method: show() - Shows this GUI control
- Method: unFocus() - Releases focus for this GUI control
Class: ptGUIControlEditBox
- Method: clearString() - Clears the editbox.
- Method: disable() - Disables this GUI control
- Method: enable() - Enables this GUI control
- Method: end() - Sets the cursor in the editbox to the after the last character.
- Method: focus() - Gets focus for this GUI control
- Method: getBackColor()
- Method: getBackSelectColor()
- Method: getFontSize()
- Method: getForeColor()
- Method: getKey() - Returns the ptKey for this GUI control
- Method: getLastKeyCaptured() - Gets the last caputre key
- Method: getLastModifiersCaptured() - Gets the last modifiers flags captured
- Method: getObjectCenter() - Returns ptPoint3 of the center of the GUI control object
- Method: getOwnerDialog() - Returns a ptGUIDialog of the dialog that owns this GUI control
- Method: getSelectColor()
- Method: getString() - Returns the sting that the user typed in.
- Method: getTagID() - Returns the Tag ID for this GUI control
- Method: hide() - Hides this GUI control
- Method: home() - Sets the cursor in the editbox to before the first character.
- Method: isEnabled() - Returns whether this GUI control is enabled
- Method: isFocused() - Returns whether this GUI control has focus
- Method: isInteresting() - Returns whether this GUI control is interesting at the moment
- Method: isVisible() - Returns whether this GUI control is visible
- Method: refresh()
- Method: setBackColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setBackSelectColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setChatMode(state) - Set the Chat mode on this control
- Method: setColor(foreColor,backColor) - Sets the fore and back color of the editbox.
- Method: setFocus(state) - Sets the state of the focus of this GUI control
- Method: setFontSize(fontSize)
- Method: setForeColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setLastKeyCapture(key, modifiers) - Set last key captured
- Method: setNotifyOnInteresting(state) - Sets whether this control should send interesting events or not
- Method: setObjectCenter(point) - Sets the GUI controls object center to 'point'
- Method: setSelectColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setSelectionColor(foreColor,backColor) - Sets the selection color of the editbox.
- Method: setSpecialCaptureKeyMode(state) - Set the Capture mode on this control
- Method: setString(text) - Pre-sets the editbox to a atring.
- Method: setStringSize(size) - Sets the maximum size of the string that can be inputted by the user.
- Method: setVisible(state) - Sets the state of visibility of this GUI control
- Method: show() - Shows this GUI control
- Method: unFocus() - Releases focus for this GUI control
- Method: wasEscaped() - If the editbox was escaped then return 1 else return 0
Class: ptGUIControlKnob
- Method: disable() - Disables this GUI control
- Method: enable() - Enables this GUI control
- Method: focus() - Gets focus for this GUI control
- Method: getBackColor()
- Method: getBackSelectColor()
- Method: getFontSize()
- Method: getForeColor()
- Method: getKey() - Returns the ptKey for this GUI control
- Method: getMax() - Returns the maximum of the control.
- Method: getMin() - Returns the minimum of the control.
- Method: getObjectCenter() - Returns ptPoint3 of the center of the GUI control object
- Method: getOwnerDialog() - Returns a ptGUIDialog of the dialog that owns this GUI control
- Method: getSelectColor()
- Method: getStep() - Returns the step increment of the control.
- Method: getTagID() - Returns the Tag ID for this GUI control
- Method: getValue() - Returns the current value of the control.
- Method: hide() - Hides this GUI control
- Method: isEnabled() - Returns whether this GUI control is enabled
- Method: isFocused() - Returns whether this GUI control has focus
- Method: isInteresting() - Returns whether this GUI control is interesting at the moment
- Method: isVisible() - Returns whether this GUI control is visible
- Method: refresh()
- Method: setBackColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setBackSelectColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setFocus(state) - Sets the state of the focus of this GUI control
- Method: setFontSize(fontSize)
- Method: setForeColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setNotifyOnInteresting(state) - Sets whether this control should send interesting events or not
- Method: setObjectCenter(point) - Sets the GUI controls object center to 'point'
- Method: setRange(minimum,maximum) - Sets the minimum and maximum range of the control.
- Method: setSelectColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setStep(step) - Sets the step increment of the control.
- Method: setValue(value) - Sets the current value of the control.
- Method: setVisible(state) - Sets the state of visibility of this GUI control
- Method: show() - Shows this GUI control
- Method: unFocus() - Releases focus for this GUI control
Class: ptGUIControlListBox
- Method: add2StringsWithColors() - Doesn't work right - DONT USE
- Method: addBranch(name,initiallyOpen)
- Method: addImage(image,respectAlphaFlag) - Appends an image item to the listbox
- Method: addImageAndSwatchesInBox(image,x,y,width,height,respectAlpha,primary,secondary)
- Method: addImageInBox(image,x,y,width,height,respectAlpha) - Appends an image item to the listbox, centering within the box dimension.
- Method: addSelection(item)
- Method: addString(text) - Appends a list item 'text' to the listbox.
- Method: addStringInBox(text,min_width,min_height) - Adds a text list item that has a minimum width and height
- Method: addStringW(text) - Unicode version of addString.
- Method: addStringWithColor(text,color,inheritAlpha) - Adds a colored string to the list box
- Method: addStringWithColorWithSize(text,color,inheritAlpha,fontsize) - Adds a text list item with a color and different font size
- Method: allowNoSelect() - Allows the listbox to have no selection
- Method: clearAllElements() - Removes all the items from the listbox, making it empty.
- Method: clickable() - Sets this listbox to be clickable by the user.
- Method: closeBranch()
- Method: disable() - Disables this GUI control
- Method: disallowNoSelect() - The listbox must always have a selection
- Method: enable() - Enables this GUI control
- Method: findString(text) - Finds and returns the index of the item that matches 'text' in the listbox.
- Method: findStringW(text) - Unicode version of findString.
- Method: focus() - Gets focus for this GUI control
- Method: getBackColor()
- Method: getBackSelectColor()
- Method: getBranchList() - get a list of branches in this list (index,isShowingChildren)
- Method: getElement(index) - Get the string of the item at 'index' in the listbox.
- Method: getElementW(index) - Unicode version of getElement.
- Method: getFontSize()
- Method: getForeColor()
- Method: getKey() - Returns the ptKey for this GUI control
- Method: getNumElements() - Return the number of items in the listbox.
- Method: getObjectCenter() - Returns ptPoint3 of the center of the GUI control object
- Method: getOwnerDialog() - Returns a ptGUIDialog of the dialog that owns this GUI control
- Method: getScrollPos() - Returns the current scroll position in the listbox.
- Method: getScrollRange()
- Method: getSelectColor()
- Method: getSelection() - Returns the currently selected list item in the listbox.
- Method: getSelectionList()
- Method: getTagID() - Returns the Tag ID for this GUI control
- Method: hide() - Hides this GUI control
- Method: isEnabled() - Returns whether this GUI control is enabled
- Method: isFocused() - Returns whether this GUI control has focus
- Method: isInteresting() - Returns whether this GUI control is interesting at the moment
- Method: isVisible() - Returns whether this GUI control is visible
- Method: lock() - Locks the updates to a listbox, so a number of operations can be performed;NOTE: an unlock() call must be made before the next lock() can be.
- Method: refresh() - Refresh the display of the listbox (after updating contents).
- Method: removeElement(index) - Removes element at 'index' in the listbox.
- Method: removeSelection(item)
- Method: scrollToBegin() - Scrolls the listbox to the beginning of the list
- Method: scrollToEnd() - Scrolls the listbox to the end of the list
- Method: setBackColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setBackSelectColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setElement(index,text) - Set a particular item in the listbox to a string.
- Method: setElementW(index,text) - Unicode version of setElement.
- Method: setFocus(state) - Sets the state of the focus of this GUI control
- Method: setFontSize(fontSize)
- Method: setForeColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setGlobalSwatchEdgeOffset(set)
- Method: setGlobalSwatchSize(size)
- Method: setNotifyOnInteresting(state) - Sets whether this control should send interesting events or not
- Method: setObjectCenter(point) - Sets the GUI controls object center to 'point'
- Method: setScrollPos(pos) - Sets the scroll position of the listbox to 'pos'
- Method: setSelectColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setSelection(selectionIndex) - Sets the current selection in the listbox.
- Method: setStringJustify(justify) - Sets the text justification
- Method: setVisible(state) - Sets the state of visibility of this GUI control
- Method: show() - Shows this GUI control
- Method: unFocus() - Releases focus for this GUI control
- Method: unclickable() - Makes this listbox not clickable by the user.;Useful when just displaying a list that is not really selectable.
- Method: unlock() - Unlocks updates to a listbox and does any saved up changes
Class: ptGUIControlMultiLineEdit
- Method: clearBuffer() - Clears all text from the multi-line edit control.
- Method: clickable() - Sets this listbox to be clickable by the user.
- Method: deleteChar() - Deletes a character at the current cursor position.
- Method: disable() - Disables this GUI control
- Method: disableScrollControl() - Disables the scroll control if there is one
- Method: enable() - Enables this GUI control
- Method: enableScrollControl() - Enables the scroll control if there is one
- Method: focus() - Gets focus for this GUI control
- Method: getBackColor()
- Method: getBackSelectColor()
- Method: getBufferLimit() - Returns the current buffer limit
- Method: getBufferSize()
- Method: getEncodedBuffer() - Returns the encoded buffer in a python buffer object.
- Method: getFontSize()
- Method: getForeColor()
- Method: getKey() - Returns the ptKey for this GUI control
- Method: getObjectCenter() - Returns ptPoint3 of the center of the GUI control object
- Method: getOwnerDialog() - Returns a ptGUIDialog of the dialog that owns this GUI control
- Method: getSelectColor()
- Method: getString() - Gets the string of the edit control.
- Method: getTagID() - Returns the Tag ID for this GUI control
- Method: hide() - Hides this GUI control
- Method: insertChar(c) - Inserts a character at the current cursor position.
- Method: insertColor(color) - Inserts an encoded color object at the current cursor position.;'color' is a ptColor object.
- Method: insertString(string) - Inserts a string at the current cursor position.
- Method: insertStyle(style) - Inserts an encoded font style at the current cursor position.
- Method: isEnabled() - Returns whether this GUI control is enabled
- Method: isFocused() - Returns whether this GUI control has focus
- Method: isInteresting() - Returns whether this GUI control is interesting at the moment
- Method: isLocked() - Is the multi-line edit control locked? Returns 1 if true otherwise returns 0
- Method: isVisible() - Returns whether this GUI control is visible
- Method: lock() - Locks the multi-line edit control so the user cannot make changes.
- Method: moveCursor(direction)
- Method: refresh()
- Method: setBackColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setBackSelectColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setBufferLimit(bufferLimit) - Sets the buffer max for the editbox
- Method: setEncodedBuffer(bufferObject) - Sets the edit control to the encoded buffer in the python buffer object.
- Method: setFocus(state) - Sets the state of the focus of this GUI control
- Method: setFontSize(fontSize)
- Method: setForeColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setNotifyOnInteresting(state) - Sets whether this control should send interesting events or not
- Method: setObjectCenter(point) - Sets the GUI controls object center to 'point'
- Method: setScrollPosition(topLine) - Sets the what line is the top line.
- Method: setSelectColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setString(asciiText) - Sets the multi-line edit control string.
- Method: setVisible(state) - Sets the state of visibility of this GUI control
- Method: show() - Shows this GUI control
- Method: unFocus() - Releases focus for this GUI control
- Method: unclickable() - Makes this listbox not clickable by the user.;Useful when just displaying a list that is not really selectable.
- Method: unlock() - Unlocks the multi-line edit control so that the user can make changes.
Class: ptGUIControlProgress
- Method: animateToPercent(percent) - Sets the value of the control and animates to that point.
- Method: disable() - Disables this GUI control
- Method: enable() - Enables this GUI control
- Method: focus() - Gets focus for this GUI control
- Method: getBackColor()
- Method: getBackSelectColor()
- Method: getFontSize()
- Method: getForeColor()
- Method: getKey() - Returns the ptKey for this GUI control
- Method: getMax() - Returns the maximum of the control.
- Method: getMin() - Returns the minimum of the control.
- Method: getObjectCenter() - Returns ptPoint3 of the center of the GUI control object
- Method: getOwnerDialog() - Returns a ptGUIDialog of the dialog that owns this GUI control
- Method: getSelectColor()
- Method: getStep() - Returns the step increment of the control.
- Method: getTagID() - Returns the Tag ID for this GUI control
- Method: getValue() - Returns the current value of the control.
- Method: hide() - Hides this GUI control
- Method: isEnabled() - Returns whether this GUI control is enabled
- Method: isFocused() - Returns whether this GUI control has focus
- Method: isInteresting() - Returns whether this GUI control is interesting at the moment
- Method: isVisible() - Returns whether this GUI control is visible
- Method: refresh()
- Method: setBackColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setBackSelectColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setFocus(state) - Sets the state of the focus of this GUI control
- Method: setFontSize(fontSize)
- Method: setForeColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setNotifyOnInteresting(state) - Sets whether this control should send interesting events or not
- Method: setObjectCenter(point) - Sets the GUI controls object center to 'point'
- Method: setRange(minimum,maximum) - Sets the minimum and maximum range of the control.
- Method: setSelectColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setStep(step) - Sets the step increment of the control.
- Method: setValue(value) - Sets the current value of the control.
- Method: setVisible(state) - Sets the state of visibility of this GUI control
- Method: show() - Shows this GUI control
- Method: unFocus() - Releases focus for this GUI control
Class: ptGUIControlRadioGroup
- Method: disable() - Disables this GUI control
- Method: enable() - Enables this GUI control
- Method: focus() - Gets focus for this GUI control
- Method: getBackColor()
- Method: getBackSelectColor()
- Method: getFontSize()
- Method: getForeColor()
- Method: getKey() - Returns the ptKey for this GUI control
- Method: getObjectCenter() - Returns ptPoint3 of the center of the GUI control object
- Method: getOwnerDialog() - Returns a ptGUIDialog of the dialog that owns this GUI control
- Method: getSelectColor()
- Method: getTagID() - Returns the Tag ID for this GUI control
- Method: getValue() - Returns the current selection of the radio group.
- Method: hide() - Hides this GUI control
- Method: isEnabled() - Returns whether this GUI control is enabled
- Method: isFocused() - Returns whether this GUI control has focus
- Method: isInteresting() - Returns whether this GUI control is interesting at the moment
- Method: isVisible() - Returns whether this GUI control is visible
- Method: refresh()
- Method: setBackColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setBackSelectColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setFocus(state) - Sets the state of the focus of this GUI control
- Method: setFontSize(fontSize)
- Method: setForeColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setNotifyOnInteresting(state) - Sets whether this control should send interesting events or not
- Method: setObjectCenter(point) - Sets the GUI controls object center to 'point'
- Method: setSelectColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setValue(value) - Sets the current selection to 'value'
- Method: setVisible(state) - Sets the state of visibility of this GUI control
- Method: show() - Shows this GUI control
- Method: unFocus() - Releases focus for this GUI control
Class: ptGUIControlTextBox
- Method: disable() - Disables this GUI control
- Method: enable() - Enables this GUI control
- Method: focus() - Gets focus for this GUI control
- Method: getBackColor()
- Method: getBackSelectColor()
- Method: getFontSize()
- Method: getForeColor()
- Method: getKey() - Returns the ptKey for this GUI control
- Method: getObjectCenter() - Returns ptPoint3 of the center of the GUI control object
- Method: getOwnerDialog() - Returns a ptGUIDialog of the dialog that owns this GUI control
- Method: getSelectColor()
- Method: getString() - Returns the string that the TextBox is set to (in case you forgot)
- Method: getStringJustify() - Returns current justify
- Method: getStringW() - Unicode version of getString
- Method: getTagID() - Returns the Tag ID for this GUI control
- Method: hide() - Hides this GUI control
- Method: isEnabled() - Returns whether this GUI control is enabled
- Method: isFocused() - Returns whether this GUI control has focus
- Method: isInteresting() - Returns whether this GUI control is interesting at the moment
- Method: isVisible() - Returns whether this GUI control is visible
- Method: refresh()
- Method: setBackColor(color) - Sets the text backcolor to 'color', which is a ptColor object.
- Method: setBackSelectColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setFocus(state) - Sets the state of the focus of this GUI control
- Method: setFontSize(size) - Don't use
- Method: setForeColor(color) - Sets the text forecolor to 'color', which is a ptColor object.
- Method: setNotifyOnInteresting(state) - Sets whether this control should send interesting events or not
- Method: setObjectCenter(point) - Sets the GUI controls object center to 'point'
- Method: setSelectColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setString(text) - Sets the textbox string to 'text'
- Method: setStringJustify(justify)
- Method: setStringW(text) - Unicode version of setString
- Method: setVisible(state) - Sets the state of visibility of this GUI control
- Method: show() - Shows this GUI control
- Method: unFocus() - Releases focus for this GUI control
Class: ptGUIControlUpDownPair
- Method: disable() - Disables this GUI control
- Method: enable() - Enables this GUI control
- Method: focus() - Gets focus for this GUI control
- Method: getBackColor()
- Method: getBackSelectColor()
- Method: getFontSize()
- Method: getForeColor()
- Method: getKey() - Returns the ptKey for this GUI control
- Method: getMax() - Returns the maximum of the control.
- Method: getMin() - Returns the minimum of the control.
- Method: getObjectCenter() - Returns ptPoint3 of the center of the GUI control object
- Method: getOwnerDialog() - Returns a ptGUIDialog of the dialog that owns this GUI control
- Method: getSelectColor()
- Method: getStep() - Returns the step increment of the control.
- Method: getTagID() - Returns the Tag ID for this GUI control
- Method: getValue() - Returns the current value of the control.
- Method: hide() - Hides this GUI control
- Method: isEnabled() - Returns whether this GUI control is enabled
- Method: isFocused() - Returns whether this GUI control has focus
- Method: isInteresting() - Returns whether this GUI control is interesting at the moment
- Method: isVisible() - Returns whether this GUI control is visible
- Method: refresh()
- Method: setBackColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setBackSelectColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setFocus(state) - Sets the state of the focus of this GUI control
- Method: setFontSize(fontSize)
- Method: setForeColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setNotifyOnInteresting(state) - Sets whether this control should send interesting events or not
- Method: setObjectCenter(point) - Sets the GUI controls object center to 'point'
- Method: setRange(minimum,maximum) - Sets the minimum and maximum range of the control.
- Method: setSelectColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setStep(step) - Sets the step increment of the control.
- Method: setValue(value) - Sets the current value of the control.
- Method: setVisible(state) - Sets the state of visibility of this GUI control
- Method: show() - Shows this GUI control
- Method: unFocus() - Releases focus for this GUI control
Class: ptGUIControlValue
- Method: disable() - Disables this GUI control
- Method: enable() - Enables this GUI control
- Method: focus() - Gets focus for this GUI control
- Method: getBackColor()
- Method: getBackSelectColor()
- Method: getFontSize()
- Method: getForeColor()
- Method: getKey() - Returns the ptKey for this GUI control
- Method: getMax() - Returns the maximum of the control.
- Method: getMin() - Returns the minimum of the control.
- Method: getObjectCenter() - Returns ptPoint3 of the center of the GUI control object
- Method: getOwnerDialog() - Returns a ptGUIDialog of the dialog that owns this GUI control
- Method: getSelectColor()
- Method: getStep() - Returns the step increment of the control.
- Method: getTagID() - Returns the Tag ID for this GUI control
- Method: getValue() - Returns the current value of the control.
- Method: hide() - Hides this GUI control
- Method: isEnabled() - Returns whether this GUI control is enabled
- Method: isFocused() - Returns whether this GUI control has focus
- Method: isInteresting() - Returns whether this GUI control is interesting at the moment
- Method: isVisible() - Returns whether this GUI control is visible
- Method: refresh()
- Method: setBackColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setBackSelectColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setFocus(state) - Sets the state of the focus of this GUI control
- Method: setFontSize(fontSize)
- Method: setForeColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setNotifyOnInteresting(state) - Sets whether this control should send interesting events or not
- Method: setObjectCenter(point) - Sets the GUI controls object center to 'point'
- Method: setRange(minimum,maximum) - Sets the minimum and maximum range of the control.
- Method: setSelectColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setStep(step) - Sets the step increment of the control.
- Method: setValue(value) - Sets the current value of the control.
- Method: setVisible(state) - Sets the state of visibility of this GUI control
- Method: show() - Shows this GUI control
- Method: unFocus() - Releases focus for this GUI control
Class: ptGUIDialog
- Method: disable() - Disables this dialog
- Method: enable(enableFlag=1) - Enable this dialog
- Method: getBackColor() - Returns the back color as a ptColor object
- Method: getBackSelectColor() - Returns the select back color as a ptColor object
- Method: getControlFromIndex(controlIndex)
- Method: getControlFromTag(tagID)
- Method: getFontSize()
- Method: getForeColor() - Returns the fore color as a ptColor object
- Method: getKey()
- Method: getName()
- Method: getNumControls()
- Method: getSelectColor() - Returns the select color as a ptColor object
- Method: getTagID()
- Method: getVersion()
- Method: hide()
- Method: isEnabled()
- Method: noFocus()
- Method: refreshAllControls() - Tells the dialog to redraw all its controls
- Method: setBackColor(red,green,blue,alpha) - Sets the back color, -1 means don't change
- Method: setBackSelectColor(red,green,blue,alpha) - Sets the select back color, -1 means don't change
- Method: setFocus(controlKey)
- Method: setFontSize(fontSize)
- Method: setForeColor(red,green,blue,alpha) - Sets the fore color, -1 means don't change
- Method: setSelectColor(red,green,blue,alpha) - Sets the select color, -1 means don't change
- Method: show()
- Method: showNoReset() - Show dialog without resetting clickables
- Method: updateAllBounds() - Tells the dialog to recompute all the bounds for its controls
Class: ptGUIPopUpMenu
- Method: addConsoleCmdItem(name,consoleCmd)
- Method: addConsoleCmdItemW(name,consoleCmd) - Unicode version of addConsoleCmdItem
- Method: addNotifyItem(name)
- Method: addNotifyItemW(name) - Unicode version of addNotifyItem
- Method: addSubMenuItem(name,subMenu)
- Method: addSubMenuItemW(name,subMenu) - Unicode version of addSubMenuItem
- Method: disable()
- Method: enable(e=1)
- Method: getBackColor()
- Method: getBackSelectColor()
- Method: getForeColor()
- Method: getKey()
- Method: getName()
- Method: getSelectColor()
- Method: getTagID()
- Method: getVersion()
- Method: hide()
- Method: isEnabled()
- Method: setBackColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setBackSelectColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setForeColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: setSelectColor(r,g,b,a)
- Method: show()
Class: ptGUISkin
- Method: getKey()
Class: ptImage
- Method: getColorLoc(color)
- Method: getHeight()
- Method: getPixelColor(x,y)
- Method: getWidth()
- Method: saveAsJPEG()
Class: ptInputInterface
- Method: popTelescope() - pops off the telescope interface and gos back to previous interface
- Method: pushTelescope() - pushes on the telescope interface
Class: ptKey
- Method: disable(netForce=0) - Sends a disable message to whatever this ptKey is pointing to
- Method: enable(netForce=0) - Sends an enable message to whatever this ptKey is pointing to
- Method: getName() - Get the name of the object that this ptKey is pointing to
- Method: getParentKey() - This will return a ptKey object that is the parent of this modifer;However, if the parent is not a modifier or not loaded, then None is returned.
- Method: getSceneObject() - This will return a ptSceneobject object that is associated with this ptKey;However, if this ptKey is _not_ a sceneobject, then unpredicatable results will ensue
- Method: isAttachedToClone() - Returns whether the python file mod is attached to a clone
- Method: netForce(forceFlag) - Specify whether this object needs to use messages that are forced to the network;- This is to be used if your Python program is running on only one client;Such as a game master, only running on the client that owns a particular object
Class: ptKeyMap
- Method: bindKey() - Params key1,key2,action;Bind keys to an action
- Method: bindKeyToConsoleCommand(keyStr1, command) - Binds key to console command
- Method: convertCharToControlCode(controlCodeString) - Convert string version of control code to number
- Method: convertCharToFlags(charString) - Convert char string to flags
- Method: convertCharToVKey(charString) - Convert char string to virtual key
- Method: convertControlCodeToString() - Params controlCode;Convert control code to character string
- Method: convertVKeyToChar(virtualKey,flags) - Convert virtual key and shift flags to string
- Method: getBindingFlags1() - Params controlCode;Returns modifier flags for controlCode
- Method: getBindingFlags2() - Params controlCode;Returns modifier flags for controlCode
- Method: getBindingFlagsConsole(command) - Returns modifier flags for the console command mapping
- Method: getBindingKey1() - Params controlCode;Returns key code for controlCode
- Method: getBindingKey2() - Params controlCode;Returns key code for controlCode
- Method: getBindingKeyConsole(command) - Returns key for console command mapping
- Method: writeKeyMap() - Forces write of the keymap file
Class: ptMarkerMgr
- Method: areLocalMarkersShowing()
- Method: clearMarkers()
- Method: clearSelectedMarker()
- Method: clearWorkingMarkerFolder()
- Method: createGame(roundLen,gameType,playerIDs) - Create a marker game for people to join.;'roundLen' is number of seconds the game will last;'gameType' is the type of marker game it is;'playerIDs' is a list of player IDs to invite
- Method: createMarker(text) - create a marker in current working MarkerFolder with 'text' as title
- Method: endGame()
- Method: getPlayerIDs()
- Method: getSelectedMarker()
- Method: getWorkingMarkerFolder()
- Method: hideMarkersLocal()
- Method: invitePlayers(playerIDs) - 'playerIDs' is a list of player IDs to invite
- Method: isGameRunning()
- Method: joinGame(masterID,team) - Join the 'masterID's game on 'team' team
- Method: sendMarkers(playerID) - send markers to 'playerID'
- Method: setSelectedMarker(markID) - Sets the selected marker to markID
- Method: setWorkingMarkerFolder(markerList) - markerlist is a ptVaultMarkerListNode class object
- Method: showMarkersLocal()
- Method: startGame()
Class: ptMatrix44
- Method: copy()
- Method: getAdjoint(adjointMat)
- Method: getData()
- Method: getDeterminant()
- Method: getInverse(inverseMat)
- Method: getParity()
- Method: getTranslate(vector)
- Method: getTranspose(inverseMat)
- Method: make(fromPt,atPt,upPt)
- Method: makeRotateMat(axis,radians)
- Method: makeScaleMat(scale)
- Method: makeTranslateMat(trans)
- Method: makeUpPreserving(fromPt,atPt,upPt)
- Method: reset()
- Method: right()
- Method: rotate(axis,radians)
- Method: scale(scale)
- Method: setData()
- Method: translate(vector)
- Method: up()
- Method: view()
Class: ptMoviePlayer
- Method: pause() - Pauses the movie
- Method: play() - Plays the movie
- Method: playPaused() - Plays movie, but pauses at first frame
- Method: resume() - Resumes movie after pausing
- Method: setCenter(x,y) - Sets the center of the movie
- Method: setColor(color) - Sets the color of the movie
- Method: setOpacity(opacity) - Sets the opacity of the movie
- Method: setScale(width,height) - Sets the width and height scale of the movie
- Method: setVolume(volume) - Set the volume of the movie
- Method: stop() - Stops the movie
Class: ptNetLinkingMgr
- Method: getCurrAgeLink() - Get the ptAgeLinkStruct for the current age
- Method: getPrevAgeLink() - Get the ptAgeLinkStruct for the previous age
- Method: isEnabled() - True if linking is enabled.
- Method: linkPlayerHere(pid) - link player(pid) to where I am
- Method: linkPlayerToAge(ageLink,pid) - Link player(pid) to ageLink
- Method: linkToAge(ageLink) - Links to ageLink (ptAgeLinkStruct)
- Method: linkToMyNeighborhoodAge() - Link to my Neighborhood Age
- Method: linkToMyPersonalAge() - Link to my Personal Age
- Method: linkToMyPersonalAgeWithYeeshaBook() - Link to my Personal Age with the YeeshaBook
- Method: linkToPlayersAge(pid) - Link me to where player(pid) is
- Method: setEnabled(enable) - Enable/Disable linking.
Class: ptNotify
- Method: addActivateEvent(activeFlag,activateFlag) - Add an activate event record to the notify message
- Method: addCallbackEvent(eventNumber) - Add a callback event record to the notify message
- Method: addCollisionEvent(enterFlag,hitterKey,hitteeKey) - Add a collision event record to the Notify message
- Method: addContainerEvent(enteringFlag,containerKey,containedKey) - Add a container event record to the notify message
- Method: addControlKeyEvent(keynumber,downFlag) - Add a keyboard event record to the Notify message
- Method: addFacingEvent(enabledFlag,facerKey, faceeKey, dotProduct) - Add a facing event record to the Notify message
- Method: addPickEvent(enabledFlag,pickerKey,pickeeKey) - Add a pick event record to the Notify message
- Method: addReceiver(key) - Add a receivers key to receive this Notify message
- Method: addResponderState(state) - Add a responder state event record to the notify message
- Method: addVarKey(name,key) - Add a ptKey variable event record to the Notify message;This event record is used to pass a ptKey variable to another python program
- Method: addVarNumber(name,number) - Add a number variable event record to the Notify message;This event record is used to pass a number variable to another python program
- Method: clearReceivers() - Remove all the receivers that this Notify message has;- receivers are automatically added if from a ptAttribActivator
- Method: netForce(forceFlag) - Specify whether this object needs to use messages that are forced to the network;- This is to be used if your Python program is running on only one client;Such as a game master, only running on the client that owns a particular object
- Method: netPropagate(netFlag) - Sets the net propagate flag - default to set
- Method: send() - Send the notify message
- Method: setActivate(state) - Set the activate state to true(1.0) or false(0.0)
- Method: setType(type)
Class: ptParticle
- Method: netForce(forceFlag) - Specify whether this object needs to use messages that are forced to the network;- This is to be used if your Python program is running on only one client;Such as a game master, only running on the client that owns a particular object
- Method: setGeneratorLife(value)
- Method: setHeightSize(value)
- Method: setInitPitchRange(value)
- Method: setInitYawRange(value)
- Method: setParticleLifeMaximum(value)
- Method: setParticleLifeMinimum(value)
- Method: setParticlesPerSecond(value)
- Method: setScaleMaximum(value)
- Method: setScaleMinimum(value)
- Method: setVelocityMaximum(value)
- Method: setVelocityMinimun(value)
- Method: setWidthSize(value)
Class: ptPhysics
- Method: angularImpulse(impulseVector)
- Method: damp(damp)
- Method: disable() - Disables physics on the sceneobject attached
- Method: disableCollision()
- Method: enable(state=1) - Sets the physics enable state for the sceneobject attached
- Method: enableCollision()
- Method: force(forceVector)
- Method: forceWithOffset(forceVector,offsetPt)
- Method: impulse(impulseVector)
- Method: impulseWithOffset(impulseVector,offsetPt)
- Method: move(direction,distance)
- Method: netForce(forceFlag) - Specify whether this object needs to use messages that are forced to the network;- This is to be used if your Python program is running on only one client;Such as a game master, only running on the client that owns a particular object
- Method: rotate(radians,axis)
- Method: shiftMass(offsetVector)
- Method: suppress(doSuppress) - Completely remove the physical, but keep it around so it;can be added back later.
- Method: torque(torqueVector)
- Method: warp(position) - Warps the sceneobject to a specified location.;'position' can be a ptPoint3 or a ptMatrix44
- Method: warpObj(objkey) - Wraps the sceneobject to match the location and orientation of the specified object
Class: ptPlayer
- Method: getDistanceSq() - Returns the distance to remote player from local player
- Method: getPlayerID() - Returns the unique player ID
- Method: getPlayerName() - Returns the name of the player
- Method: isCCR()
- Method: isServer()
Class: ptPoint3
- Method: copy() - Returns a copy of the point in another ptPoint3 object
- Method: distance(other) - Computes the distance from this point to 'other' point
- Method: distanceSq(other) - Computes the distance squared from this point to 'other' point;- this function is faster than distance(other)
- Method: getX() - Returns the 'x' component of the point
- Method: getY() - Returns the 'y' component of the point
- Method: getZ() - Returns the 'z' component of the point
- Method: setX(x) - Sets the 'x' component of the point
- Method: setY(y) - Sets the 'y' component of the point
- Method: setZ(z) - Sets the 'z' component of the point
- Method: zero() - Sets the 'x','y' and the 'z' component to zero
Class: ptPythonMsg
- Method: getContents() - Get the message contents string
- Method: getKey() - Get the message key
- Method: send() - Send the message to the game server
- Method: setContents(contents) - Set the message contents string
- Method: setKey(key) - Set the message key
Class: ptSDL
- Method: sendToClients(key) - Sets it so changes to this key are sent to the;server AND the clients. (Normally it just goes;to the server.)
- Method: setDefault(key,value) - Like setitem, but doesn't broadcast over the net.;Only use for setting defaults that everyone will;already know (from reading it off disk)
- Method: setFlags(name,sendImmediate,skipOwnershipCheck) - Sets the flags for a variable in this SDL
- Method: setIndex(key,idx,value) - Sets the value at a specific index in the tuple,;so you don't have to pass the whole thing in
- Method: setIndexNow(key,idx,value) - Same as setIndex but sends immediately
- Method: setNotify(selfkey,key,tolerance) - Sets the OnSDLNotify to be called when 'key';SDL variable changes by 'tolerance' (if number)
- Method: setTagString(name,tag) - Sets the tag string for a variable
Class: ptSDLStateDataRecord
- Method: findVar(name)
- Method: getName()
- Method: getVarList()
- Method: setFromDefaults(timeStampNow)
Class: ptSceneobject
- Method: addKey(key) - Mostly used internally.;Add another sceneobject ptKey
- Method: animate()
- Property: avatar
- Method: avatarVelocity()
- Property: draw
- Method: fastForwardAttachedResponder(state)
- Method: findObject(name) - Find a particular object in just the sceneobjects that are attached
- Method: getKey() - Get the ptKey of this sceneobject;If there are more then one attached, get the first one
- Method: getLocalToParent()
- Method: getLocalToWorld() - Returns ptMatrix44 of the local to world transform for this sceneobject;- If there is more than one sceneobject attached, returns just the first one
- Method: getName() - Returns the name of the sceneobject (Max name);- If there are more than one sceneobject attached, return just the first one
- Method: getParentToLocal()
- Method: getPythonMods() - Returns list of ptKeys of the python modifiers attached to this sceneobject
- Method: getResponderState()
- Method: getResponders() - Returns list of ptKeys of the responders attached to this sceneobject
- Method: getSoundIndex(sndComponentName) - Get the index of the requested sound component
- Method: getWorldToLocal() - Returns ptMatrix44 of the world to local transform for this sceneobject;- If there is more than one sceneobject attached, returns just the first one
- Method: isAvatar()
- Method: isHuman()
- Method: isLocallyOwned() - Returns true(1) if this object is locally own by this client;or returns false(0) if it is not or don't know
- Method: netForce(forceFlag) - Specify whether this object needs to use messages that are forced to the network;- This is to be used if your Python program is running on only one client;Such as a game master, only running on the client that owns a particular object;- Setting the netForce flag on a sceneobject will also set the netForce flag on;its draw, physics, avatar, particle objects
- Property: particle
- Property: physics
- Method: playAnimNamed(animName)
- Method: popCamera(avKey)
- Method: popCutsceneCamera(avKey) - Pop the camera stack and go back to previous camera.
- Method: position()
- Method: pushCamera(avKey)
- Method: pushCameraCut(avKey)
- Method: pushCutsceneCamera(cutFlag,avKey) - Switch to this object (assuming that it is actually a camera)
- Method: rewindAnimNamed(animName)
- Method: right()
- Method: runAttachedResponder(state)
- Method: setSoundFilename(index, filename, isCompressed) - Sets the sound attached to this sceneobject to use the specified sound file.
- Method: setTransform(local2world,world2local)
- Method: stopAnimNamed(animName)
- Method: up()
- Method: view()
Class: ptSimpleStateVariable
- Method: getBool(idx=0)
- Method: getByte(idx=0)
- Method: getDefault()
- Method: getDisplayOptions()
- Method: getDouble(idx=0)
- Method: getFloat(idx=0)
- Method: getInt(idx=0)
- Method: getShort(idx=0)
- Method: getString(idx=0)
- Method: getType()
- Method: isAlwaysNew()
- Method: isInternal()
- Method: setBool(v,idx=0)
- Method: setByte(v,idx=0)
- Method: setDouble(v,idx=0)
- Method: setFloat(v,idx=0)
- Method: setInt(v,idx=0)
- Method: setShort(v,idx=0)
- Method: setString(v,idx=0)
Class: ptSpawnPointInfo
- Method: getCameraStack()
- Method: getName()
- Method: getTitle()
- Method: setCameraStack(v)
- Method: setName(v)
- Method: setTitle(v)
Class: ptSpawnPointInfoRef
- Method: getCameraStack()
- Method: getName()
- Method: getTitle()
- Method: setCameraStack(v)
- Method: setName(v)
- Method: setTitle(v)
Class: ptStatusLog
- Method: close() - Close the status log file
- Method: isOpen() - Returns whether the status log is currently opened
- Method: open(logName,numLines,flags) - Open a status log for writing to;'logname' is the name of the log file (example: special.log);'numLines' is the number of lines to display on debug screen;'flags' is a PlasmaConstants.PtStatusLogFlags
- Method: write(text,color=None) - If the status log is open, write 'text' to log;'color' is the display color in debug screen
Class: ptStream
- Method: close() - Close the status log file
- Method: isOpen() - Returns whether the stream file is currently opened
- Method: open(fileName,flags) - Open a stream file for reading or writing
- Method: readlines() - Reads a list of strings from the file
- Method: writelines(lines) - Write a list of strings to the file
Class: ptSwimCurrentInterface
- Method: disable()
- Method: enable()
- Property: farDistance
- Property: farVelocity
- Property: nearDistance
- Property: nearVelocity
- Property: rotation
Class: ptVault
- Method: addChronicleEntry(entryName,type,string) - Adds an entry to the player's chronicle with a value of 'string'.
- Method: amAgeCzar(ageInfo)
- Method: amAgeOwner(ageInfo)
- Method: amCzarOfCurrentAge()
- Method: amOwnerOfCurrentAge()
- Method: createNeighborhood()
- Method: findChronicleEntry(entryName) - Returns a ptVaultNode of type kNodeTypeChronicle of the current player's chronicle entry by entryName.
- Method: findNode(templateNode) - Find the node matching the template
- Method: getAgeJournalsFolder() - Returns a ptVaultFolderNode of the current player's age journals folder.
- Method: getAgesICanVisitFolder() - Returns a ptVaultFolderNode of ages I can visit
- Method: getAgesIOwnFolder() - Returns a ptVaultFolderNode of ages that I own
- Method: getAvatarClosetFolder() - Do not use.;Returns a ptVaultFolderNode of the avatars outfitin their closet.
- Method: getAvatarOutfitFolder() - Do not use.;Returns a ptVaultFolderNode of the avatars outfit.
- Method: getBuddyListFolder() - Returns a ptVaultPlayerInfoListNode of the current player's buddy list folder.
- Method: getChronicleFolder() - Returns a ptVaultFolderNode of the current player's chronicle folder.
- Method: getGlobalInbox() - Returns a ptVaultFolderNode of the global inbox folder.
- Method: getIgnoreListFolder() - Returns a ptVaultPlayerInfoListNode of the current player's ignore list folder.
- Method: getInbox() - Returns a ptVaultFolderNode of the current player's inbox folder.
- Method: getInviteFolder()
- Method: getKIUsage()
- Method: getLinkToCity()
- Method: getLinkToMyNeighborhood() - Returns a ptVaultAgeLinkNode that will go to my neighborhood
- Method: getOwnedAgeLink() - Returns a ptVaultAgeLinkNode to my owned age(ageInfo)
- Method: getPeopleIKnowAboutFolder() - Returns a ptVaultPlayerInfoListNode of the current player's people I know about (Recent) list folder.
- Method: getPlayerInfo() - Returns a ptVaultNode of type kNodeTypePlayerInfo of the current player
- Method: getPsnlAgeSDL()
- Method: getVisitAgeLink(ageInfo) - Returns a ptVaultAgeLinkNode for a visitor to age(ageInfo)
- Method: inMyNeighborhoodAge()
- Method: inMyPersonalAge()
- Method: invitePlayerToAge(link,playerID)
- Method: isConnected() - Returns whether the vault is connected to the server.
- Method: offerLinkToPlayer(link,playerID)
- Method: registerMTStation(stationName,mtSpawnPoint)
- Method: registerOwnedAge(link)
- Method: registerVisitAge(link)
- Method: removeOwnedAgeLink(guidstr) - Removes an owned age by guid
- Method: removeVisitAgeLink(guidstr) - Removes an age visit link by guid
- Method: sendToDevice(node,deviceName) - Sends a ptVaultNode object to an Age's device by deviceName.
- Method: setAgePublic(ageInfo,makePublic)
- Method: unInvitePlayerToAge(guid,playerID)
- Method: unRegisterOwnedAge(ageFilename)
- Method: unRegisterVisitAge(guid)
- Method: updatePsnlAgeSDL(pyrec)
Class: ptVaultAgeInfoNode
- Method: addNode(node,cb=None,cbContext=0) - Adds 'node'(ptVaultNode) as a child to this node.
- Method: asAgeInfoStruct() - Returns this ptVaultAgeInfoNode as a ptAgeInfoStruct
- Method: findNode(templateNode) - Returns ptVaultNode if child node found matching template, or None
- Method: getAgeDescription() - Returns the description of the age
- Method: getAgeFilename() - Returns the age filename
- Method: getAgeID() - Returns the age ID
- Method: getAgeInstanceGuid() - Returns the age instance guid
- Method: getAgeInstanceName() - Returns the instance name of the age
- Method: getAgeLanguage() - Returns the age's language (integer)
- Method: getAgeOwnersFolder() - Returns a ptVaultPlayerInfoList of the players that own this age
- Method: getAgeSDL()
- Method: getAgeSequenceNumber() - Returns the sequence number of this instance of the age
- Method: getAgeUserDefinedName() - Returns the user define part of the age name
- Method: getCanVisitFolder() - Returns a ptVaultPlayerInfoList of the players that can visit this age
- Method: getChildAgesFolder() - Returns a ptVaultFolderNode of the child ages of this age
- Method: getChildNodeCount() - Returns how many children this node has.
- Method: getChildNodeRefList() - Returns a list of ptVaultNodeRef that are the children of this node.
- Method: getClientID() - Returns the client's ID.
- Method: getCreateAgeCoords() - Returns a ptDniCoordinates object of the where the node was created.
- Method: getCreateAgeGuid() - Returns the guid as a string of the Age where this node was created.
- Method: getCreateAgeName() - Returns the name of the Age where this node was created.
- Method: getCreateAgeTime() - Returns the time in the Age that the node was created...(?)
- Method: getCreateTime() - Returns the when this node was created, that is useable by python's time library.
- Method: getCreatorNode() - Returns the creator's node
- Method: getCreatorNodeID() - Returns the creator's node ID
- Method: getCzar() - Returns ptVaultPlayerInfoNode of the player that is the Czar
- Method: getCzarID()
- Method: getDisplayName() - Returns the displayable version of the age name
- Method: getGroupNode() - Returns the group node of this node.
- Method: getGroupNodeID() - Returns the group ID of this node.
- Method: getID() - Returns the unique ID of this ptVaultNode.
- Method: getModifyTime() - Returns the modified time of this node, that is useable by python's time library.
- Method: getNode() - Returns ptVaultNodeRef if is a child node, or None
- Method: getOwnerNode() - Returns a ptVaultNode of the owner of this node
- Method: getOwnerNodeID() - Returns the node ID of the owner of this node
- Method: getPermissions() - Returns the permissions for this node.;See
- Method: getType() - Returns the type of ptVaultNode this is.;See
- Method: hasNode() - Returns true if node if a child node
- Method: hasValidID()
- Method: isClientNode()
- Method: isPersistent()
- Method: isPublic() - Returns whether the age is Public or Not
- Method: isSaving()
- Method: isStored()
- Method: linkToNode(nodeID,cb=None,cbContext=0)
- Method: removeAllNodes() - Removes all the chold nodes on this node.
- Method: removeNode(node,cb=None,cbContext=0) - Removes the child 'node'(ptVaultNode) from this node.
- Method: save(cb=None,cbContext=0) - Save the changes made to this node.
- Method: saveAll(cb=None,cbContext=0) - Saves this node and all its children nodes.
- Method: sendTo(destID,cb=None,cbContext=0) - Send this node to inbox at 'destID'
- Method: setAgeDescription(description) - Sets the description of the age
- Method: setAgeFilename(fileName) - Sets the filename
- Method: setAgeID(ageID) - Sets the age ID
- Method: setAgeInstanceGuid(guid) - Sets the age instance GUID
- Method: setAgeInstanceName(instanceName) - Sets the instance name
- Method: setAgeLanguage(lang) - Sets the age's language (integer)
- Method: setAgeSequenceNumber(seqNumber) - Sets the sequence number
- Method: setAgeUserDefinedName(udname) - Sets the user defined part of the name
- Method: setCreateAgeGuid() - Set guid as a string of the Age where this node was created.
- Method: setCreateAgeName() - Set name of the Age where this node was created.
- Method: setCreatorNodeID() - Set creator's node ID
- Method: setID() - Sets ID of this ptVaultNode.
- Method: setOwnerNodeID() - Set node ID of the owner of this node
- Method: setType() - Set type of ptVaultNode this is.;
- Method: upcastToAgeInfoListNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultAgeInfoListNode
- Method: upcastToAgeInfoNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultAgeInfoNode
- Method: upcastToAgeLinkNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultAgeLinkNode
- Method: upcastToChronicleNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultChronicleNode
- Method: upcastToFolderNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultFolderNode
- Method: upcastToImageNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultImageNode
- Method: upcastToMarkerListNode()
- Method: upcastToMarkerNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultMarkerNode
- Method: upcastToPlayerInfoListNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultPlayerInfoListNode
- Method: upcastToPlayerInfoNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultPlayerInfoNode
- Method: upcastToPlayerNode()
- Method: upcastToSDLNode()
- Method: upcastToSystemNode()
- Method: upcastToTextNoteNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultTextNoteNode
Class: ptVaultAgeLinkNode
- Method: addNode(node,cb=None,cbContext=0) - Adds 'node'(ptVaultNode) as a child to this node.
- Method: addSpawnPoint(point)
- Method: asAgeLinkStruct() - Returns this ptVaultAgeLinkNode as a ptAgeLinkStruct
- Method: findNode(templateNode) - Returns ptVaultNode if child node found matching template, or None
- Method: getAgeInfo() - Returns the ageInfo as a ptAgeInfoStruct
- Method: getChildNodeCount() - Returns how many children this node has.
- Method: getChildNodeRefList() - Returns a list of ptVaultNodeRef that are the children of this node.
- Method: getClientID() - Returns the client's ID.
- Method: getCreateAgeCoords() - Returns a ptDniCoordinates object of the where the node was created.
- Method: getCreateAgeGuid() - Returns the guid as a string of the Age where this node was created.
- Method: getCreateAgeName() - Returns the name of the Age where this node was created.
- Method: getCreateAgeTime() - Returns the time in the Age that the node was created...(?)
- Method: getCreateTime() - Returns the when this node was created, that is useable by python's time library.
- Method: getCreatorNode() - Returns the creator's node
- Method: getCreatorNodeID() - Returns the creator's node ID
- Method: getGroupNode() - Returns the group node of this node.
- Method: getGroupNodeID() - Returns the group ID of this node.
- Method: getID() - Returns the unique ID of this ptVaultNode.
- Method: getLocked() - Returns whether the link is locked or not
- Method: getModifyTime() - Returns the modified time of this node, that is useable by python's time library.
- Method: getNode() - Returns ptVaultNodeRef if is a child node, or None
- Method: getOwnerNode() - Returns a ptVaultNode of the owner of this node
- Method: getOwnerNodeID() - Returns the node ID of the owner of this node
- Method: getPermissions() - Returns the permissions for this node.;See
- Method: getSpawnPoints()
- Method: getType() - Returns the type of ptVaultNode this is.;See
- Method: getVolatile() - Returns whether the link id volatile or not
- Method: hasNode() - Returns true if node if a child node
- Method: hasSpawnPoint(spawnPtName)
- Method: hasValidID()
- Method: isClientNode()
- Method: isPersistent()
- Method: isSaving()
- Method: isStored()
- Method: linkToNode(nodeID,cb=None,cbContext=0)
- Method: removeAllNodes() - Removes all the chold nodes on this node.
- Method: removeNode(node,cb=None,cbContext=0) - Removes the child 'node'(ptVaultNode) from this node.
- Method: removeSpawnPoint(spawnPtName)
- Method: save(cb=None,cbContext=0) - Save the changes made to this node.
- Method: saveAll(cb=None,cbContext=0) - Saves this node and all its children nodes.
- Method: sendTo(destID,cb=None,cbContext=0) - Send this node to inbox at 'destID'
- Method: setCreateAgeGuid() - Set guid as a string of the Age where this node was created.
- Method: setCreateAgeName() - Set name of the Age where this node was created.
- Method: setCreatorNodeID() - Set creator's node ID
- Method: setID() - Sets ID of this ptVaultNode.
- Method: setLocked(state) - Sets the state of the lockedness of the link
- Method: setOwnerNodeID() - Set node ID of the owner of this node
- Method: setType() - Set type of ptVaultNode this is.;
- Method: setVolatile(state) - Sets the state of the volitilty of the link
- Method: upcastToAgeInfoListNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultAgeInfoListNode
- Method: upcastToAgeInfoNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultAgeInfoNode
- Method: upcastToAgeLinkNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultAgeLinkNode
- Method: upcastToChronicleNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultChronicleNode
- Method: upcastToFolderNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultFolderNode
- Method: upcastToImageNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultImageNode
- Method: upcastToMarkerListNode()
- Method: upcastToMarkerNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultMarkerNode
- Method: upcastToPlayerInfoListNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultPlayerInfoListNode
- Method: upcastToPlayerInfoNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultPlayerInfoNode
- Method: upcastToPlayerNode()
- Method: upcastToSDLNode()
- Method: upcastToSystemNode()
- Method: upcastToTextNoteNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultTextNoteNode
Class: ptVaultChronicleNode
- Method: addNode(node,cb=None,cbContext=0) - Adds 'node'(ptVaultNode) as a child to this node.
- Method: chronicleGetName() - LEGACY: Returns the name of the chronicle node.
- Method: chronicleGetType() - LEGACY: Returns the user defined type of the chronicle node.
- Method: chronicleGetValue() - LEGACY: Returns the value as a string of this chronicle node.
- Method: chronicleSetName(name) - LEGACY: Sets the name of the chronicle node.
- Method: chronicleSetType(type) - LEGACY: Sets this chronicle node to a user defined type.
- Method: chronicleSetValue(value) - LEGACY: Sets the chronicle to a value that is a string
- Method: findNode(templateNode) - Returns ptVaultNode if child node found matching template, or None
- Method: getChildNodeCount() - Returns how many children this node has.
- Method: getChildNodeRefList() - Returns a list of ptVaultNodeRef that are the children of this node.
- Method: getClientID() - Returns the client's ID.
- Method: getCreateAgeCoords() - Returns a ptDniCoordinates object of the where the node was created.
- Method: getCreateAgeGuid() - Returns the guid as a string of the Age where this node was created.
- Method: getCreateAgeName() - Returns the name of the Age where this node was created.
- Method: getCreateAgeTime() - Returns the time in the Age that the node was created...(?)
- Method: getCreateTime() - Returns the when this node was created, that is useable by python's time library.
- Method: getCreatorNode() - Returns the creator's node
- Method: getCreatorNodeID() - Returns the creator's node ID
- Method: getEntryType() - Returns the user defined type of the chronicle node.
- Method: getGroupNode() - Returns the group node of this node.
- Method: getGroupNodeID() - Returns the group ID of this node.
- Method: getID() - Returns the unique ID of this ptVaultNode.
- Method: getModifyTime() - Returns the modified time of this node, that is useable by python's time library.
- Method: getName() - Returns the name of the chronicle node.
- Method: getNode() - Returns ptVaultNodeRef if is a child node, or None
- Method: getOwnerNode() - Returns a ptVaultNode of the owner of this node
- Method: getOwnerNodeID() - Returns the node ID of the owner of this node
- Method: getPermissions() - Returns the permissions for this node.;See
- Method: getType() - Returns the type of ptVaultNode this is.;See
- Method: getValue() - Returns the value as a string of this chronicle node.
- Method: hasNode() - Returns true if node if a child node
- Method: hasValidID()
- Method: isClientNode()
- Method: isPersistent()
- Method: isSaving()
- Method: isStored()
- Method: linkToNode(nodeID,cb=None,cbContext=0)
- Method: removeAllNodes() - Removes all the chold nodes on this node.
- Method: removeNode(node,cb=None,cbContext=0) - Removes the child 'node'(ptVaultNode) from this node.
- Method: save(cb=None,cbContext=0) - Save the changes made to this node.
- Method: saveAll(cb=None,cbContext=0) - Saves this node and all its children nodes.
- Method: sendTo(destID,cb=None,cbContext=0) - Send this node to inbox at 'destID'
- Method: setCreateAgeGuid() - Set guid as a string of the Age where this node was created.
- Method: setCreateAgeName() - Set name of the Age where this node was created.
- Method: setCreatorNodeID() - Set creator's node ID
- Method: setEntryType(type) - Sets this chronicle node to a user defined type.
- Method: setID() - Sets ID of this ptVaultNode.
- Method: setName(name) - Sets the name of the chronicle node.
- Method: setOwnerNodeID() - Set node ID of the owner of this node
- Method: setType() - Set type of ptVaultNode this is.;
- Method: setValue(value) - Sets the chronicle to a value that is a string
- Method: upcastToAgeInfoListNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultAgeInfoListNode
- Method: upcastToAgeInfoNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultAgeInfoNode
- Method: upcastToAgeLinkNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultAgeLinkNode
- Method: upcastToChronicleNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultChronicleNode
- Method: upcastToFolderNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultFolderNode
- Method: upcastToImageNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultImageNode
- Method: upcastToMarkerListNode()
- Method: upcastToMarkerNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultMarkerNode
- Method: upcastToPlayerInfoListNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultPlayerInfoListNode
- Method: upcastToPlayerInfoNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultPlayerInfoNode
- Method: upcastToPlayerNode()
- Method: upcastToSDLNode()
- Method: upcastToSystemNode()
- Method: upcastToTextNoteNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultTextNoteNode
Class: ptVaultFolderNode
- Method: addNode(node,cb=None,cbContext=0) - Adds 'node'(ptVaultNode) as a child to this node.
- Method: findNode(templateNode) - Returns ptVaultNode if child node found matching template, or None
- Method: folderGetName() - LEGACY;Returns the folder's name
- Method: folderGetType() - LEGACY;Returns the folder type (of the standard folder types)
- Method: folderSetName(name) - LEGACY;Set the folder name
- Method: folderSetType(type) - LEGACY;Set the folder type
- Method: getChildNodeCount() - Returns how many children this node has.
- Method: getChildNodeRefList() - Returns a list of ptVaultNodeRef that are the children of this node.
- Method: getClientID() - Returns the client's ID.
- Method: getCreateAgeCoords() - Returns a ptDniCoordinates object of the where the node was created.
- Method: getCreateAgeGuid() - Returns the guid as a string of the Age where this node was created.
- Method: getCreateAgeName() - Returns the name of the Age where this node was created.
- Method: getCreateAgeTime() - Returns the time in the Age that the node was created...(?)
- Method: getCreateTime() - Returns the when this node was created, that is useable by python's time library.
- Method: getCreatorNode() - Returns the creator's node
- Method: getCreatorNodeID() - Returns the creator's node ID
- Method: getFolderName() - Returns the folder's name
- Method: getFolderType() - Returns the folder type (of the standard folder types)
- Method: getGroupNode() - Returns the group node of this node.
- Method: getGroupNodeID() - Returns the group ID of this node.
- Method: getID() - Returns the unique ID of this ptVaultNode.
- Method: getModifyTime() - Returns the modified time of this node, that is useable by python's time library.
- Method: getNode() - Returns ptVaultNodeRef if is a child node, or None
- Method: getOwnerNode() - Returns a ptVaultNode of the owner of this node
- Method: getOwnerNodeID() - Returns the node ID of the owner of this node
- Method: getPermissions() - Returns the permissions for this node.;See
- Method: getType() - Returns the type of ptVaultNode this is.;See
- Method: hasNode() - Returns true if node if a child node
- Method: hasValidID()
- Method: isClientNode()
- Method: isPersistent()
- Method: isSaving()
- Method: isStored()
- Method: linkToNode(nodeID,cb=None,cbContext=0)
- Method: removeAllNodes() - Removes all the chold nodes on this node.
- Method: removeNode(node,cb=None,cbContext=0) - Removes the child 'node'(ptVaultNode) from this node.
- Method: save(cb=None,cbContext=0) - Save the changes made to this node.
- Method: saveAll(cb=None,cbContext=0) - Saves this node and all its children nodes.
- Method: sendTo(destID,cb=None,cbContext=0) - Send this node to inbox at 'destID'
- Method: setCreateAgeGuid() - Set guid as a string of the Age where this node was created.
- Method: setCreateAgeName() - Set name of the Age where this node was created.
- Method: setCreatorNodeID() - Set creator's node ID
- Method: setFolderName(name) - Set the folder name
- Method: setFolderType(type) - Set the folder type
- Method: setID() - Sets ID of this ptVaultNode.
- Method: setOwnerNodeID() - Set node ID of the owner of this node
- Method: setType() - Set type of ptVaultNode this is.;
- Method: upcastToAgeInfoListNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultAgeInfoListNode
- Method: upcastToAgeInfoNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultAgeInfoNode
- Method: upcastToAgeLinkNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultAgeLinkNode
- Method: upcastToChronicleNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultChronicleNode
- Method: upcastToFolderNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultFolderNode
- Method: upcastToImageNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultImageNode
- Method: upcastToMarkerListNode()
- Method: upcastToMarkerNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultMarkerNode
- Method: upcastToPlayerInfoListNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultPlayerInfoListNode
- Method: upcastToPlayerInfoNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultPlayerInfoNode
- Method: upcastToPlayerNode()
- Method: upcastToSDLNode()
- Method: upcastToSystemNode()
- Method: upcastToTextNoteNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultTextNoteNode
Class: ptVaultImageNode
- Method: addNode(node,cb=None,cbContext=0) - Adds 'node'(ptVaultNode) as a child to this node.
- Method: findNode(templateNode) - Returns ptVaultNode if child node found matching template, or None
- Method: getChildNodeCount() - Returns how many children this node has.
- Method: getChildNodeRefList() - Returns a list of ptVaultNodeRef that are the children of this node.
- Method: getClientID() - Returns the client's ID.
- Method: getCreateAgeCoords() - Returns a ptDniCoordinates object of the where the node was created.
- Method: getCreateAgeGuid() - Returns the guid as a string of the Age where this node was created.
- Method: getCreateAgeName() - Returns the name of the Age where this node was created.
- Method: getCreateAgeTime() - Returns the time in the Age that the node was created...(?)
- Method: getCreateTime() - Returns the when this node was created, that is useable by python's time library.
- Method: getCreatorNode() - Returns the creator's node
- Method: getCreatorNodeID() - Returns the creator's node ID
- Method: getGroupNode() - Returns the group node of this node.
- Method: getGroupNodeID() - Returns the group ID of this node.
- Method: getID() - Returns the unique ID of this ptVaultNode.
- Method: getImage() - Returns the image(ptImage) of this image node
- Method: getModifyTime() - Returns the modified time of this node, that is useable by python's time library.
- Method: getNode() - Returns ptVaultNodeRef if is a child node, or None
- Method: getOwnerNode() - Returns a ptVaultNode of the owner of this node
- Method: getOwnerNodeID() - Returns the node ID of the owner of this node
- Method: getPermissions() - Returns the permissions for this node.;See
- Method: getTitle() - Returns the title (caption) of this image node
- Method: getType() - Returns the type of ptVaultNode this is.;See
- Method: hasNode() - Returns true if node if a child node
- Method: hasValidID()
- Method: imageGetImage() - LEGACY;Returns the image(ptImage) of this image node
- Method: imageGetTitle() - LEGACY;Returns the title (caption) of this image node
- Method: imageSetImage(image) - LEGACY;Sets the image(ptImage) of this image node
- Method: imageSetTitle(title) - LEGACY;Sets the title (caption) of this image node
- Method: isClientNode()
- Method: isPersistent()
- Method: isSaving()
- Method: isStored()
- Method: linkToNode(nodeID,cb=None,cbContext=0)
- Method: removeAllNodes() - Removes all the chold nodes on this node.
- Method: removeNode(node,cb=None,cbContext=0) - Removes the child 'node'(ptVaultNode) from this node.
- Method: save(cb=None,cbContext=0) - Save the changes made to this node.
- Method: saveAll(cb=None,cbContext=0) - Saves this node and all its children nodes.
- Method: sendTo(destID,cb=None,cbContext=0) - Send this node to inbox at 'destID'
- Method: setCreateAgeGuid() - Set guid as a string of the Age where this node was created.
- Method: setCreateAgeName() - Set name of the Age where this node was created.
- Method: setCreatorNodeID() - Set creator's node ID
- Method: setID() - Sets ID of this ptVaultNode.
- Method: setImage(image) - Sets the image(ptImage) of this image node
- Method: setImageFromBuf(buf)
- Method: setImageFromScrShot() - Grabs a screenshot and stuffs it into this node
- Method: setOwnerNodeID() - Set node ID of the owner of this node
- Method: setTitle(title) - Sets the title (caption) of this image node
- Method: setType() - Set type of ptVaultNode this is.;
- Method: upcastToAgeInfoListNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultAgeInfoListNode
- Method: upcastToAgeInfoNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultAgeInfoNode
- Method: upcastToAgeLinkNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultAgeLinkNode
- Method: upcastToChronicleNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultChronicleNode
- Method: upcastToFolderNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultFolderNode
- Method: upcastToImageNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultImageNode
- Method: upcastToMarkerListNode()
- Method: upcastToMarkerNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultMarkerNode
- Method: upcastToPlayerInfoListNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultPlayerInfoListNode
- Method: upcastToPlayerInfoNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultPlayerInfoNode
- Method: upcastToPlayerNode()
- Method: upcastToSDLNode()
- Method: upcastToSystemNode()
- Method: upcastToTextNoteNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultTextNoteNode
Class: ptVaultMarkerListNode
- Method: addNode(node,cb=None,cbContext=0) - Adds 'node'(ptVaultNode) as a child to this node.
- Method: findNode(templateNode) - Returns ptVaultNode if child node found matching template, or None
- Method: folderGetName() - LEGACY;Returns the folder's name
- Method: folderGetType() - LEGACY;Returns the folder type (of the standard folder types)
- Method: folderSetName(name) - LEGACY;Set the folder name
- Method: folderSetType(type) - LEGACY;Set the folder type
- Method: getChildNodeCount() - Returns how many children this node has.
- Method: getChildNodeRefList() - Returns a list of ptVaultNodeRef that are the children of this node.
- Method: getClientID() - Returns the client's ID.
- Method: getCreateAgeCoords() - Returns a ptDniCoordinates object of the where the node was created.
- Method: getCreateAgeGuid() - Returns the guid as a string of the Age where this node was created.
- Method: getCreateAgeName() - Returns the name of the Age where this node was created.
- Method: getCreateAgeTime() - Returns the time in the Age that the node was created...(?)
- Method: getCreateTime() - Returns the when this node was created, that is useable by python's time library.
- Method: getCreatorNode() - Returns the creator's node
- Method: getCreatorNodeID() - Returns the creator's node ID
- Method: getFolderName() - Returns the folder's name
- Method: getFolderType() - Returns the folder type (of the standard folder types)
- Method: getGameType() - Returns the marker game type
- Method: getGroupNode() - Returns the group node of this node.
- Method: getGroupNodeID() - Returns the group ID of this node.
- Method: getID() - Returns the unique ID of this ptVaultNode.
- Method: getModifyTime() - Returns the modified time of this node, that is useable by python's time library.
- Method: getNode() - Returns ptVaultNodeRef if is a child node, or None
- Method: getOwnerID() - Returns the owner's ID
- Method: getOwnerName() - Returns the owner's name
- Method: getOwnerNode() - Returns a ptVaultNode of the owner of this node
- Method: getOwnerNodeID() - Returns the node ID of the owner of this node
- Method: getPermissions() - Returns the permissions for this node.;See
- Method: getRoundLength() - Returns the round length (seconds) of the marker game
- Method: getType() - Returns the type of ptVaultNode this is.;See
- Method: hasNode() - Returns true if node if a child node
- Method: hasValidID()
- Method: isClientNode()
- Method: isPersistent()
- Method: isSaving()
- Method: isStored()
- Method: linkToNode(nodeID,cb=None,cbContext=0)
- Method: removeAllNodes() - Removes all the chold nodes on this node.
- Method: removeNode(node,cb=None,cbContext=0) - Removes the child 'node'(ptVaultNode) from this node.
- Method: save(cb=None,cbContext=0) - Save the changes made to this node.
- Method: saveAll(cb=None,cbContext=0) - Saves this node and all its children nodes.
- Method: sendTo(destID,cb=None,cbContext=0) - Send this node to inbox at 'destID'
- Method: setCreateAgeGuid() - Set guid as a string of the Age where this node was created.
- Method: setCreateAgeName() - Set name of the Age where this node was created.
- Method: setCreatorNodeID() - Set creator's node ID
- Method: setFolderName(name) - Set the folder name
- Method: setFolderType(type) - Set the folder type
- Method: setGameType(gameType) - Sets the marker game type
- Method: setID() - Sets ID of this ptVaultNode.
- Method: setOwnerID(ownerID) - Sets the owners ID
- Method: setOwnerName(ownerName) - Sets the owner's name
- Method: setOwnerNodeID() - Set node ID of the owner of this node
- Method: setRoundLength(roundLength) - Sets the marker game's round length (seconds)
- Method: setType() - Set type of ptVaultNode this is.;
- Method: upcastToAgeInfoListNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultAgeInfoListNode
- Method: upcastToAgeInfoNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultAgeInfoNode
- Method: upcastToAgeLinkNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultAgeLinkNode
- Method: upcastToChronicleNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultChronicleNode
- Method: upcastToFolderNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultFolderNode
- Method: upcastToImageNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultImageNode
- Method: upcastToMarkerListNode()
- Method: upcastToMarkerNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultMarkerNode
- Method: upcastToPlayerInfoListNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultPlayerInfoListNode
- Method: upcastToPlayerInfoNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultPlayerInfoNode
- Method: upcastToPlayerNode()
- Method: upcastToSDLNode()
- Method: upcastToSystemNode()
- Method: upcastToTextNoteNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultTextNoteNode
Class: ptVaultMarkerNode
- Method: addNode(node,cb=None,cbContext=0) - Adds 'node'(ptVaultNode) as a child to this node.
- Method: findNode(templateNode) - Returns ptVaultNode if child node found matching template, or None
- Method: getChildNodeCount() - Returns how many children this node has.
- Method: getChildNodeRefList() - Returns a list of ptVaultNodeRef that are the children of this node.
- Method: getClientID() - Returns the client's ID.
- Method: getCreateAgeCoords() - Returns a ptDniCoordinates object of the where the node was created.
- Method: getCreateAgeGuid() - Returns the guid as a string of the Age where this node was created.
- Method: getCreateAgeName() - Returns the name of the Age where this node was created.
- Method: getCreateAgeTime() - Returns the time in the Age that the node was created...(?)
- Method: getCreateTime() - Returns the when this node was created, that is useable by python's time library.
- Method: getCreatorNode() - Returns the creator's node
- Method: getCreatorNodeID() - Returns the creator's node ID
- Method: getGroupNode() - Returns the group node of this node.
- Method: getGroupNodeID() - Returns the group ID of this node.
- Method: getID() - Returns the unique ID of this ptVaultNode.
- Method: getModifyTime() - Returns the modified time of this node, that is useable by python's time library.
- Method: getNode() - Returns ptVaultNodeRef if is a child node, or None
- Method: getOwnerNode() - Returns a ptVaultNode of the owner of this node
- Method: getOwnerNodeID() - Returns the node ID of the owner of this node
- Method: getPermissions() - Returns the permissions for this node.;See
- Method: getType() - Returns the type of ptVaultNode this is.;See
- Method: hasNode() - Returns true if node if a child node
- Method: hasValidID()
- Method: isClientNode()
- Method: isPersistent()
- Method: isSaving()
- Method: isStored()
- Method: linkToNode(nodeID,cb=None,cbContext=0)
- Method: markerGetAge() - Returns the age name
- Method: markerGetHSpans() - Returns the GPS coordinate HSpans of the marker
- Method: markerGetPosition() - Returns a ptPoint3 of the position of the marker
- Method: markerGetText() - Returns the text of the marker
- Method: markerGetTorans() - Returns the GPS coordinate Torans of the marker
- Method: markerGetVSpans() - Returns the GPS coordinate VSpans of the marker
- Method: markerSetAge(ageName) - Sets the age name
- Method: markerSetGPS(torans, hSpans, vSpans) - Sets the Dni GPS coordinates of the marker
- Method: markerSetPosition(point3) - Sets the position as a ptMatrix44
- Method: markerSetText(text) - Sets the text of the marker
- Method: removeAllNodes() - Removes all the chold nodes on this node.
- Method: removeNode(node,cb=None,cbContext=0) - Removes the child 'node'(ptVaultNode) from this node.
- Method: save(cb=None,cbContext=0) - Save the changes made to this node.
- Method: saveAll(cb=None,cbContext=0) - Saves this node and all its children nodes.
- Method: sendTo(destID,cb=None,cbContext=0) - Send this node to inbox at 'destID'
- Method: setCreateAgeGuid() - Set guid as a string of the Age where this node was created.
- Method: setCreateAgeName() - Set name of the Age where this node was created.
- Method: setCreatorNodeID() - Set creator's node ID
- Method: setID() - Sets ID of this ptVaultNode.
- Method: setOwnerNodeID() - Set node ID of the owner of this node
- Method: setType() - Set type of ptVaultNode this is.;
- Method: upcastToAgeInfoListNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultAgeInfoListNode
- Method: upcastToAgeInfoNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultAgeInfoNode
- Method: upcastToAgeLinkNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultAgeLinkNode
- Method: upcastToChronicleNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultChronicleNode
- Method: upcastToFolderNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultFolderNode
- Method: upcastToImageNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultImageNode
- Method: upcastToMarkerListNode()
- Method: upcastToMarkerNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultMarkerNode
- Method: upcastToPlayerInfoListNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultPlayerInfoListNode
- Method: upcastToPlayerInfoNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultPlayerInfoNode
- Method: upcastToPlayerNode()
- Method: upcastToSDLNode()
- Method: upcastToSystemNode()
- Method: upcastToTextNoteNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultTextNoteNode
Class: ptVaultNode
- Method: addNode(node,cb=None,cbContext=0) - Adds 'node'(ptVaultNode) as a child to this node.
- Method: findNode(templateNode) - Returns ptVaultNode if child node found matching template, or None
- Method: getChildNodeCount() - Returns how many children this node has.
- Method: getChildNodeRefList() - Returns a list of ptVaultNodeRef that are the children of this node.
- Method: getClientID() - Returns the client's ID.
- Method: getCreateAgeCoords() - Returns a ptDniCoordinates object of the where the node was created.
- Method: getCreateAgeGuid() - Returns the guid as a string of the Age where this node was created.
- Method: getCreateAgeName() - Returns the name of the Age where this node was created.
- Method: getCreateAgeTime() - Returns the time in the Age that the node was created...(?)
- Method: getCreateTime() - Returns the when this node was created, that is useable by python's time library.
- Method: getCreatorNode() - Returns the creator's node
- Method: getCreatorNodeID() - Returns the creator's node ID
- Method: getGroupNode() - Returns the group node of this node.
- Method: getGroupNodeID() - Returns the group ID of this node.
- Method: getID() - Returns the unique ID of this ptVaultNode.
- Method: getModifyTime() - Returns the modified time of this node, that is useable by python's time library.
- Method: getNode() - Returns ptVaultNodeRef if is a child node, or None
- Method: getOwnerNode() - Returns a ptVaultNode of the owner of this node
- Method: getOwnerNodeID() - Returns the node ID of the owner of this node
- Method: getPermissions() - Returns the permissions for this node.;See
- Method: getType() - Returns the type of ptVaultNode this is.;See
- Method: hasNode() - Returns true if node if a child node
- Method: hasValidID()
- Method: isClientNode()
- Method: isPersistent()
- Method: isSaving()
- Method: isStored()
- Method: linkToNode(nodeID,cb=None,cbContext=0)
- Method: removeAllNodes() - Removes all the chold nodes on this node.
- Method: removeNode(node,cb=None,cbContext=0) - Removes the child 'node'(ptVaultNode) from this node.
- Method: save(cb=None,cbContext=0) - Save the changes made to this node.
- Method: saveAll(cb=None,cbContext=0) - Saves this node and all its children nodes.
- Method: sendTo(destID,cb=None,cbContext=0) - Send this node to inbox at 'destID'
- Method: setCreateAgeGuid() - Set guid as a string of the Age where this node was created.
- Method: setCreateAgeName() - Set name of the Age where this node was created.
- Method: setCreatorNodeID() - Set creator's node ID
- Method: setID() - Sets ID of this ptVaultNode.
- Method: setOwnerNodeID() - Set node ID of the owner of this node
- Method: setType() - Set type of ptVaultNode this is.;
- Method: upcastToAgeInfoListNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultAgeInfoListNode
- Method: upcastToAgeInfoNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultAgeInfoNode
- Method: upcastToAgeLinkNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultAgeLinkNode
- Method: upcastToChronicleNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultChronicleNode
- Method: upcastToFolderNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultFolderNode
- Method: upcastToImageNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultImageNode
- Method: upcastToMarkerListNode()
- Method: upcastToMarkerNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultMarkerNode
- Method: upcastToPlayerInfoListNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultPlayerInfoListNode
- Method: upcastToPlayerInfoNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultPlayerInfoNode
- Method: upcastToPlayerNode()
- Method: upcastToSDLNode()
- Method: upcastToSystemNode()
- Method: upcastToTextNoteNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultTextNoteNode
Class: ptVaultNodeRef
- Method: beenSeen() - Returns whether this reference has been seen yet.
- Method: copyFrom(other) - Copies the data from another ptVaultNodeRef to this one
- Method: getChild() - Returns a ptVaultNode that is the child of this reference
- Method: getChildID()
- Method: getCreateTime()
- Method: getParent() - Returns a ptVaultNode that is the parent of the reference
- Method: getParentID()
- Method: getSaver() - Returns a ptVaultNode of the saver of this reference.
- Method: getSaverID()
- Method: setSeen() - Sets this reference to 'have been seen'
- Method: unsetSeen() - Sets this reference to 'not have been seen'
Class: ptVaultPlayerInfoListNode
- Method: addNode(node,cb=None,cbContext=0) - Adds 'node'(ptVaultNode) as a child to this node.
- Method: addPlayer(playerID) - Adds playerID player to this player info list node.
- Method: findNode(templateNode) - Returns ptVaultNode if child node found matching template, or None
- Method: folderGetName() - LEGACY;Returns the folder's name
- Method: folderGetType() - LEGACY;Returns the folder type (of the standard folder types)
- Method: folderSetName(name) - LEGACY;Set the folder name
- Method: folderSetType(type) - LEGACY;Set the folder type
- Method: getChildNodeCount() - Returns how many children this node has.
- Method: getChildNodeRefList() - Returns a list of ptVaultNodeRef that are the children of this node.
- Method: getClientID() - Returns the client's ID.
- Method: getCreateAgeCoords() - Returns a ptDniCoordinates object of the where the node was created.
- Method: getCreateAgeGuid() - Returns the guid as a string of the Age where this node was created.
- Method: getCreateAgeName() - Returns the name of the Age where this node was created.
- Method: getCreateAgeTime() - Returns the time in the Age that the node was created...(?)
- Method: getCreateTime() - Returns the when this node was created, that is useable by python's time library.
- Method: getCreatorNode() - Returns the creator's node
- Method: getCreatorNodeID() - Returns the creator's node ID
- Method: getFolderName() - Returns the folder's name
- Method: getFolderType() - Returns the folder type (of the standard folder types)
- Method: getGroupNode() - Returns the group node of this node.
- Method: getGroupNodeID() - Returns the group ID of this node.
- Method: getID() - Returns the unique ID of this ptVaultNode.
- Method: getModifyTime() - Returns the modified time of this node, that is useable by python's time library.
- Method: getNode() - Returns ptVaultNodeRef if is a child node, or None
- Method: getOwnerNode() - Returns a ptVaultNode of the owner of this node
- Method: getOwnerNodeID() - Returns the node ID of the owner of this node
- Method: getPermissions() - Returns the permissions for this node.;See
- Method: getPlayer(playerID) - Gets the player info node for the specified player.
- Method: getType() - Returns the type of ptVaultNode this is.;See
- Method: hasNode() - Returns true if node if a child node
- Method: hasPlayer(playerID) - Returns whether the 'playerID' is a member of this player info list node.
- Method: hasValidID()
- Method: isClientNode()
- Method: isPersistent()
- Method: isSaving()
- Method: isStored()
- Method: linkToNode(nodeID,cb=None,cbContext=0)
- Method: playerlistAddPlayer(playerID) - Adds playerID player to this player info list node.
- Method: playerlistGetPlayer(playerID) - Gets the player info node for the specified player.
- Method: playerlistHasPlayer(playerID) - Returns whether the 'playerID' is a member of this player info list node.
- Method: playerlistRemovePlayer(playerID) - Removes playerID player from this player info list node.
- Method: removeAllNodes() - Removes all the chold nodes on this node.
- Method: removeNode(node,cb=None,cbContext=0) - Removes the child 'node'(ptVaultNode) from this node.
- Method: removePlayer(playerID) - Removes playerID player from this player info list node.
- Method: save(cb=None,cbContext=0) - Save the changes made to this node.
- Method: saveAll(cb=None,cbContext=0) - Saves this node and all its children nodes.
- Method: sendTo(destID,cb=None,cbContext=0) - Send this node to inbox at 'destID'
- Method: setCreateAgeGuid() - Set guid as a string of the Age where this node was created.
- Method: setCreateAgeName() - Set name of the Age where this node was created.
- Method: setCreatorNodeID() - Set creator's node ID
- Method: setFolderName(name) - Set the folder name
- Method: setFolderType(type) - Set the folder type
- Method: setID() - Sets ID of this ptVaultNode.
- Method: setOwnerNodeID() - Set node ID of the owner of this node
- Method: setType() - Set type of ptVaultNode this is.;
- Method: sort() - Sorts the player list by some means...?
- Method: upcastToAgeInfoListNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultAgeInfoListNode
- Method: upcastToAgeInfoNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultAgeInfoNode
- Method: upcastToAgeLinkNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultAgeLinkNode
- Method: upcastToChronicleNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultChronicleNode
- Method: upcastToFolderNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultFolderNode
- Method: upcastToImageNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultImageNode
- Method: upcastToMarkerListNode()
- Method: upcastToMarkerNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultMarkerNode
- Method: upcastToPlayerInfoListNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultPlayerInfoListNode
- Method: upcastToPlayerInfoNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultPlayerInfoNode
- Method: upcastToPlayerNode()
- Method: upcastToSDLNode()
- Method: upcastToSystemNode()
- Method: upcastToTextNoteNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultTextNoteNode
Class: ptVaultPlayerInfoNode
- Method: addNode(node,cb=None,cbContext=0) - Adds 'node'(ptVaultNode) as a child to this node.
- Method: findNode(templateNode) - Returns ptVaultNode if child node found matching template, or None
- Method: getChildNodeCount() - Returns how many children this node has.
- Method: getChildNodeRefList() - Returns a list of ptVaultNodeRef that are the children of this node.
- Method: getClientID() - Returns the client's ID.
- Method: getCreateAgeCoords() - Returns a ptDniCoordinates object of the where the node was created.
- Method: getCreateAgeGuid() - Returns the guid as a string of the Age where this node was created.
- Method: getCreateAgeName() - Returns the name of the Age where this node was created.
- Method: getCreateAgeTime() - Returns the time in the Age that the node was created...(?)
- Method: getCreateTime() - Returns the when this node was created, that is useable by python's time library.
- Method: getCreatorNode() - Returns the creator's node
- Method: getCreatorNodeID() - Returns the creator's node ID
- Method: getGroupNode() - Returns the group node of this node.
- Method: getGroupNodeID() - Returns the group ID of this node.
- Method: getID() - Returns the unique ID of this ptVaultNode.
- Method: getModifyTime() - Returns the modified time of this node, that is useable by python's time library.
- Method: getNode() - Returns ptVaultNodeRef if is a child node, or None
- Method: getOwnerNode() - Returns a ptVaultNode of the owner of this node
- Method: getOwnerNodeID() - Returns the node ID of the owner of this node
- Method: getPermissions() - Returns the permissions for this node.;See
- Method: getType() - Returns the type of ptVaultNode this is.;See
- Method: hasNode() - Returns true if node if a child node
- Method: hasValidID()
- Method: isClientNode()
- Method: isPersistent()
- Method: isSaving()
- Method: isStored()
- Method: linkToNode(nodeID,cb=None,cbContext=0)
- Method: playerGetAgeGuid() - Returns the guid as a string of where the player is for this player info node.
- Method: playerGetAgeInstanceName() - Returns the name of the Age where the player is for this player info node.
- Method: playerGetID() - Returns the player ID for this player info node.
- Method: playerGetName() - Returns the player name of this player info node.
- Method: playerIsOnline() - Returns the online status of the player for this player info node.
- Method: playerSetAgeGuid(guidString) - Not sure this should be used. Sets the guid for this player info node.
- Method: playerSetAgeInstanceName(name) - Not sure this should be used. Sets the name of the age where the player is for this player info node.
- Method: playerSetID(playerID) - Not sure this should be used. Sets the playerID for this player info node.
- Method: playerSetName(name) - Not sure this should be used. Sets the player name of this player info node.
- Method: playerSetOnline(state) - Not sure this should be used. Sets the state of the player online status for this player info node.
- Method: removeAllNodes() - Removes all the chold nodes on this node.
- Method: removeNode(node,cb=None,cbContext=0) - Removes the child 'node'(ptVaultNode) from this node.
- Method: save(cb=None,cbContext=0) - Save the changes made to this node.
- Method: saveAll(cb=None,cbContext=0) - Saves this node and all its children nodes.
- Method: sendTo(destID,cb=None,cbContext=0) - Send this node to inbox at 'destID'
- Method: setCreateAgeGuid() - Set guid as a string of the Age where this node was created.
- Method: setCreateAgeName() - Set name of the Age where this node was created.
- Method: setCreatorNodeID() - Set creator's node ID
- Method: setID() - Sets ID of this ptVaultNode.
- Method: setOwnerNodeID() - Set node ID of the owner of this node
- Method: setType() - Set type of ptVaultNode this is.;
- Method: upcastToAgeInfoListNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultAgeInfoListNode
- Method: upcastToAgeInfoNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultAgeInfoNode
- Method: upcastToAgeLinkNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultAgeLinkNode
- Method: upcastToChronicleNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultChronicleNode
- Method: upcastToFolderNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultFolderNode
- Method: upcastToImageNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultImageNode
- Method: upcastToMarkerListNode()
- Method: upcastToMarkerNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultMarkerNode
- Method: upcastToPlayerInfoListNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultPlayerInfoListNode
- Method: upcastToPlayerInfoNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultPlayerInfoNode
- Method: upcastToPlayerNode()
- Method: upcastToSDLNode()
- Method: upcastToSystemNode()
- Method: upcastToTextNoteNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultTextNoteNode
Class: ptVaultSDLNode
- Method: addNode(node,cb=None,cbContext=0) - Adds 'node'(ptVaultNode) as a child to this node.
- Method: findNode(templateNode) - Returns ptVaultNode if child node found matching template, or None
- Method: getChildNodeCount() - Returns how many children this node has.
- Method: getChildNodeRefList() - Returns a list of ptVaultNodeRef that are the children of this node.
- Method: getClientID() - Returns the client's ID.
- Method: getCreateAgeCoords() - Returns a ptDniCoordinates object of the where the node was created.
- Method: getCreateAgeGuid() - Returns the guid as a string of the Age where this node was created.
- Method: getCreateAgeName() - Returns the name of the Age where this node was created.
- Method: getCreateAgeTime() - Returns the time in the Age that the node was created...(?)
- Method: getCreateTime() - Returns the when this node was created, that is useable by python's time library.
- Method: getCreatorNode() - Returns the creator's node
- Method: getCreatorNodeID() - Returns the creator's node ID
- Method: getGroupNode() - Returns the group node of this node.
- Method: getGroupNodeID() - Returns the group ID of this node.
- Method: getID() - Returns the unique ID of this ptVaultNode.
- Method: getIdent()
- Method: getModifyTime() - Returns the modified time of this node, that is useable by python's time library.
- Method: getNode() - Returns ptVaultNodeRef if is a child node, or None
- Method: getOwnerNode() - Returns a ptVaultNode of the owner of this node
- Method: getOwnerNodeID() - Returns the node ID of the owner of this node
- Method: getPermissions() - Returns the permissions for this node.;See
- Method: getStateDataRecord()
- Method: getType() - Returns the type of ptVaultNode this is.;See
- Method: hasNode() - Returns true if node if a child node
- Method: hasValidID()
- Method: initStateDataRecord() - Read the SDL Rec from File if needed
- Method: isClientNode()
- Method: isPersistent()
- Method: isSaving()
- Method: isStored()
- Method: linkToNode(nodeID,cb=None,cbContext=0)
- Method: removeAllNodes() - Removes all the chold nodes on this node.
- Method: removeNode(node,cb=None,cbContext=0) - Removes the child 'node'(ptVaultNode) from this node.
- Method: save(cb=None,cbContext=0) - Save the changes made to this node.
- Method: saveAll(cb=None,cbContext=0) - Saves this node and all its children nodes.
- Method: sendTo(destID,cb=None,cbContext=0) - Send this node to inbox at 'destID'
- Method: setCreateAgeGuid() - Set guid as a string of the Age where this node was created.
- Method: setCreateAgeName() - Set name of the Age where this node was created.
- Method: setCreatorNodeID() - Set creator's node ID
- Method: setID() - Sets ID of this ptVaultNode.
- Method: setIdent(v)
- Method: setOwnerNodeID() - Set node ID of the owner of this node
- Method: setStateDataRecord(rec,writeOptions=0)
- Method: setType() - Set type of ptVaultNode this is.;
- Method: upcastToAgeInfoListNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultAgeInfoListNode
- Method: upcastToAgeInfoNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultAgeInfoNode
- Method: upcastToAgeLinkNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultAgeLinkNode
- Method: upcastToChronicleNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultChronicleNode
- Method: upcastToFolderNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultFolderNode
- Method: upcastToImageNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultImageNode
- Method: upcastToMarkerListNode()
- Method: upcastToMarkerNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultMarkerNode
- Method: upcastToPlayerInfoListNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultPlayerInfoListNode
- Method: upcastToPlayerInfoNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultPlayerInfoNode
- Method: upcastToPlayerNode()
- Method: upcastToSDLNode()
- Method: upcastToSystemNode()
- Method: upcastToTextNoteNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultTextNoteNode
Class: ptVaultSystemNode
- Method: addNode(node,cb=None,cbContext=0) - Adds 'node'(ptVaultNode) as a child to this node.
- Method: findNode(templateNode) - Returns ptVaultNode if child node found matching template, or None
- Method: getChildNodeCount() - Returns how many children this node has.
- Method: getChildNodeRefList() - Returns a list of ptVaultNodeRef that are the children of this node.
- Method: getClientID() - Returns the client's ID.
- Method: getCreateAgeCoords() - Returns a ptDniCoordinates object of the where the node was created.
- Method: getCreateAgeGuid() - Returns the guid as a string of the Age where this node was created.
- Method: getCreateAgeName() - Returns the name of the Age where this node was created.
- Method: getCreateAgeTime() - Returns the time in the Age that the node was created...(?)
- Method: getCreateTime() - Returns the when this node was created, that is useable by python's time library.
- Method: getCreatorNode() - Returns the creator's node
- Method: getCreatorNodeID() - Returns the creator's node ID
- Method: getGroupNode() - Returns the group node of this node.
- Method: getGroupNodeID() - Returns the group ID of this node.
- Method: getID() - Returns the unique ID of this ptVaultNode.
- Method: getModifyTime() - Returns the modified time of this node, that is useable by python's time library.
- Method: getNode() - Returns ptVaultNodeRef if is a child node, or None
- Method: getOwnerNode() - Returns a ptVaultNode of the owner of this node
- Method: getOwnerNodeID() - Returns the node ID of the owner of this node
- Method: getPermissions() - Returns the permissions for this node.;See
- Method: getType() - Returns the type of ptVaultNode this is.;See
- Method: hasNode() - Returns true if node if a child node
- Method: hasValidID()
- Method: isClientNode()
- Method: isPersistent()
- Method: isSaving()
- Method: isStored()
- Method: linkToNode(nodeID,cb=None,cbContext=0)
- Method: removeAllNodes() - Removes all the chold nodes on this node.
- Method: removeNode(node,cb=None,cbContext=0) - Removes the child 'node'(ptVaultNode) from this node.
- Method: save(cb=None,cbContext=0) - Save the changes made to this node.
- Method: saveAll(cb=None,cbContext=0) - Saves this node and all its children nodes.
- Method: sendTo(destID,cb=None,cbContext=0) - Send this node to inbox at 'destID'
- Method: setCreateAgeGuid() - Set guid as a string of the Age where this node was created.
- Method: setCreateAgeName() - Set name of the Age where this node was created.
- Method: setCreatorNodeID() - Set creator's node ID
- Method: setID() - Sets ID of this ptVaultNode.
- Method: setOwnerNodeID() - Set node ID of the owner of this node
- Method: setType() - Set type of ptVaultNode this is.;
- Method: upcastToAgeInfoListNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultAgeInfoListNode
- Method: upcastToAgeInfoNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultAgeInfoNode
- Method: upcastToAgeLinkNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultAgeLinkNode
- Method: upcastToChronicleNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultChronicleNode
- Method: upcastToFolderNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultFolderNode
- Method: upcastToImageNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultImageNode
- Method: upcastToMarkerListNode()
- Method: upcastToMarkerNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultMarkerNode
- Method: upcastToPlayerInfoListNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultPlayerInfoListNode
- Method: upcastToPlayerInfoNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultPlayerInfoNode
- Method: upcastToPlayerNode()
- Method: upcastToSDLNode()
- Method: upcastToSystemNode()
- Method: upcastToTextNoteNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultTextNoteNode
Class: ptVaultTextNoteNode
- Method: addNode(node,cb=None,cbContext=0) - Adds 'node'(ptVaultNode) as a child to this node.
- Method: findNode(templateNode) - Returns ptVaultNode if child node found matching template, or None
- Method: getChildNodeCount() - Returns how many children this node has.
- Method: getChildNodeRefList() - Returns a list of ptVaultNodeRef that are the children of this node.
- Method: getClientID() - Returns the client's ID.
- Method: getCreateAgeCoords() - Returns a ptDniCoordinates object of the where the node was created.
- Method: getCreateAgeGuid() - Returns the guid as a string of the Age where this node was created.
- Method: getCreateAgeName() - Returns the name of the Age where this node was created.
- Method: getCreateAgeTime() - Returns the time in the Age that the node was created...(?)
- Method: getCreateTime() - Returns the when this node was created, that is useable by python's time library.
- Method: getCreatorNode() - Returns the creator's node
- Method: getCreatorNodeID() - Returns the creator's node ID
- Method: getDeviceInbox()
- Method: getGroupNode() - Returns the group node of this node.
- Method: getGroupNodeID() - Returns the group ID of this node.
- Method: getID() - Returns the unique ID of this ptVaultNode.
- Method: getModifyTime() - Returns the modified time of this node, that is useable by python's time library.
- Method: getNode() - Returns ptVaultNodeRef if is a child node, or None
- Method: getOwnerNode() - Returns a ptVaultNode of the owner of this node
- Method: getOwnerNodeID() - Returns the node ID of the owner of this node
- Method: getPermissions() - Returns the permissions for this node.;See
- Method: getSubType() - Returns the subtype of this text note node.
- Method: getText() - Returns the text of this text note node.
- Method: getTitle() - Returns the title of this text note node.
- Method: getType() - Returns the type of text note for this text note node.
- Method: hasNode() - Returns true if node if a child node
- Method: hasValidID()
- Method: isClientNode()
- Method: isPersistent()
- Method: isSaving()
- Method: isStored()
- Method: linkToNode(nodeID,cb=None,cbContext=0)
- Method: noteGetSubType() - LEGACY;Returns the subtype of this text note node.
- Method: noteGetText() - LEGACY;Returns the text of this text note node.
- Method: noteGetTitle() - LEGACY;Returns the title of this text note node.
- Method: noteGetType() - LEGACY;Returns the type of text note for this text note node.
- Method: noteSetSubType(subType) - LEGACY;Sets the subtype of the this text note node.
- Method: noteSetText(text) - LEGACY;Sets text of the this text note node.
- Method: noteSetTitle(title) - LEGACY;Sets the title of this text note node.
- Method: noteSetType(type) - LEGACY;Sets the type of text note for this text note node.
- Method: removeAllNodes() - Removes all the chold nodes on this node.
- Method: removeNode(node,cb=None,cbContext=0) - Removes the child 'node'(ptVaultNode) from this node.
- Method: save(cb=None,cbContext=0) - Save the changes made to this node.
- Method: saveAll(cb=None,cbContext=0) - Saves this node and all its children nodes.
- Method: sendTo(destID,cb=None,cbContext=0) - Send this node to inbox at 'destID'
- Method: setCreateAgeGuid() - Set guid as a string of the Age where this node was created.
- Method: setCreateAgeName() - Set name of the Age where this node was created.
- Method: setCreatorNodeID() - Set creator's node ID
- Method: setDeviceInbox(inboxName,cb,cbContext)
- Method: setID() - Sets ID of this ptVaultNode.
- Method: setOwnerNodeID() - Set node ID of the owner of this node
- Method: setSubType(subType) - Sets the subtype of the this text note node.
- Method: setText(text) - Sets text of the this text note node.
- Method: setTitle(title) - Sets the title of this text note node.
- Method: setType(type) - Sets the type of text note for this text note node.
- Method: upcastToAgeInfoListNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultAgeInfoListNode
- Method: upcastToAgeInfoNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultAgeInfoNode
- Method: upcastToAgeLinkNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultAgeLinkNode
- Method: upcastToChronicleNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultChronicleNode
- Method: upcastToFolderNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultFolderNode
- Method: upcastToImageNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultImageNode
- Method: upcastToMarkerListNode()
- Method: upcastToMarkerNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultMarkerNode
- Method: upcastToPlayerInfoListNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultPlayerInfoListNode
- Method: upcastToPlayerInfoNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultPlayerInfoNode
- Method: upcastToPlayerNode()
- Method: upcastToSDLNode()
- Method: upcastToSystemNode()
- Method: upcastToTextNoteNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultTextNoteNode
Class: ptVector3
- Method: add(other)
- Method: copy()
- Method: crossProduct(other)
- Method: dotProduct(other)
- Method: getX()
- Method: getY()
- Method: getZ()
- Method: length()
- Method: lengthSq()
- Method: normalize()
- Method: scale(scale)
- Method: setX(x)
- Method: setY(y)
- Method: setZ(z)
- Method: subtract(other)
- Method: zero()
Class: ptWaveSet
- Method: getDepthFalloff()
- Method: getEnvCenter()
- Method: getEnvRadius()
- Method: getGeoAmpOverLen()
- Method: getGeoAngleDev()
- Method: getGeoChop()
- Method: getGeoMaxLength()
- Method: getGeoMinLength()
- Method: getMaxAtten()
- Method: getMinAtten()
- Method: getOpacFalloff()
- Method: getOpacOffset()
- Method: getReflFalloff()
- Method: getReflOffset()
- Method: getRippleScale()
- Method: getSpecularEnd()
- Method: getSpecularMute()
- Method: getSpecularNoise()
- Method: getSpecularStart()
- Method: getSpecularTint()
- Method: getTexAmpOverLen()
- Method: getTexAngleDev()
- Method: getTexChop()
- Method: getTexMaxLength()
- Method: getTexMinLength()
- Method: getWaterHeight()
- Method: getWaterOffset()
- Method: getWaterOpacity()
- Method: getWaterTint()
- Method: getWaveFalloff()
- Method: getWaveOffset()
- Method: getWindDir()
- Method: setDepthFalloff(s, secs = 0) - Sets the attribute to s over secs time
- Method: setEnvCenter(s, secs = 0) - Sets the attribute to s over secs time
- Method: setEnvRadius(s, secs = 0) - Sets the attribute to s over secs time
- Method: setGeoAmpOverLen(s, secs = 0) - Sets the attribute to s over secs time
- Method: setGeoAngleDev(s, secs = 0) - Sets the attribute to s over secs time
- Method: setGeoChop(s, secs = 0) - Sets the attribute to s over secs time
- Method: setGeoMaxLength(s, secs = 0) - Sets the attribute to s over secs time
- Method: setGeoMinLength(s, secs = 0) - Sets the attribute to s over secs time
- Method: setMaxAtten(s, secs = 0) - Sets the attribute to s over secs time
- Method: setMinAtten(s, secs = 0) - Sets the attribute to s over secs time
- Method: setOpacFalloff(s, secs = 0) - Sets the attribute to s over secs time
- Method: setOpacOffset(s, secs = 0) - Sets the attribute to s over secs time
- Method: setReflFalloff(s, secs = 0) - Sets the attribute to s over secs time
- Method: setReflOffset(s, secs = 0) - Sets the attribute to s over secs time
- Method: setRippleScale(s, secs = 0) - Sets the attribute to s over secs time
- Method: setSpecularEnd(s, secs = 0) - Sets the attribute to s over secs time
- Method: setSpecularMute(s, secs = 0) - Sets the attribute to s over secs time
- Method: setSpecularNoise(s, secs = 0) - Sets the attribute to s over secs time
- Method: setSpecularStart(s, secs = 0) - Sets the attribute to s over secs time
- Method: setSpecularTint(s, secs = 0) - Sets the attribute to s over secs time
- Method: setTexAmpOverLen(s, secs = 0) - Sets the attribute to s over secs time
- Method: setTexAngleDev(s, secs = 0) - Sets the attribute to s over secs time
- Method: setTexChop(s, secs = 0) - Sets the attribute to s over secs time
- Method: setTexMaxLength(s, secs = 0) - Sets the attribute to s over secs time
- Method: setTexMinLength(s, secs = 0) - Sets the attribute to s over secs time
- Method: setWaterHeight(s, secs = 0) - Sets the attribute to s over secs time
- Method: setWaterOffset(s, secs = 0) - Sets the attribute to s over secs time
- Method: setWaterOpacity(s, secs = 0) - Sets the attribute to s over secs time
- Method: setWaterTint(s, secs = 0) - Sets the attribute to s over secs time
- Method: setWaveFalloff(s, secs = 0) - Sets the attribute to s over secs time
- Method: setWaveOffset(s, secs = 0) - Sets the attribute to s over secs time
- Method: setWindDir(s, secs = 0) - Sets the attribute to s over secs time
Class: pyVaultAgeInfoListNode
- Method: addAge(ageID) - Adds ageID to list of ages
- Method: addNode(node,cb=None,cbContext=0) - Adds 'node'(ptVaultNode) as a child to this node.
- Method: findNode(templateNode) - Returns ptVaultNode if child node found matching template, or None
- Method: folderGetName() - LEGACY;Returns the folder's name
- Method: folderGetType() - LEGACY;Returns the folder type (of the standard folder types)
- Method: folderSetName(name) - LEGACY;Set the folder name
- Method: folderSetType(type) - LEGACY;Set the folder type
- Method: getChildNodeCount() - Returns how many children this node has.
- Method: getChildNodeRefList() - Returns a list of ptVaultNodeRef that are the children of this node.
- Method: getClientID() - Returns the client's ID.
- Method: getCreateAgeCoords() - Returns a ptDniCoordinates object of the where the node was created.
- Method: getCreateAgeGuid() - Returns the guid as a string of the Age where this node was created.
- Method: getCreateAgeName() - Returns the name of the Age where this node was created.
- Method: getCreateAgeTime() - Returns the time in the Age that the node was created...(?)
- Method: getCreateTime() - Returns the when this node was created, that is useable by python's time library.
- Method: getCreatorNode() - Returns the creator's node
- Method: getCreatorNodeID() - Returns the creator's node ID
- Method: getFolderName() - Returns the folder's name
- Method: getFolderType() - Returns the folder type (of the standard folder types)
- Method: getGroupNode() - Returns the group node of this node.
- Method: getGroupNodeID() - Returns the group ID of this node.
- Method: getID() - Returns the unique ID of this ptVaultNode.
- Method: getModifyTime() - Returns the modified time of this node, that is useable by python's time library.
- Method: getNode() - Returns ptVaultNodeRef if is a child node, or None
- Method: getOwnerNode() - Returns a ptVaultNode of the owner of this node
- Method: getOwnerNodeID() - Returns the node ID of the owner of this node
- Method: getPermissions() - Returns the permissions for this node.;See
- Method: getType() - Returns the type of ptVaultNode this is.;See
- Method: hasAge(ageID) - Returns whether ageID is in the list of ages
- Method: hasNode() - Returns true if node if a child node
- Method: hasValidID()
- Method: isClientNode()
- Method: isPersistent()
- Method: isSaving()
- Method: isStored()
- Method: linkToNode(nodeID,cb=None,cbContext=0)
- Method: removeAge(ageID) - Removes ageID from list of ages
- Method: removeAllNodes() - Removes all the chold nodes on this node.
- Method: removeNode(node,cb=None,cbContext=0) - Removes the child 'node'(ptVaultNode) from this node.
- Method: save(cb=None,cbContext=0) - Save the changes made to this node.
- Method: saveAll(cb=None,cbContext=0) - Saves this node and all its children nodes.
- Method: sendTo(destID,cb=None,cbContext=0) - Send this node to inbox at 'destID'
- Method: setCreateAgeGuid() - Set guid as a string of the Age where this node was created.
- Method: setCreateAgeName() - Set name of the Age where this node was created.
- Method: setCreatorNodeID() - Set creator's node ID
- Method: setFolderName(name) - Set the folder name
- Method: setFolderType(type) - Set the folder type
- Method: setID() - Sets ID of this ptVaultNode.
- Method: setOwnerNodeID() - Set node ID of the owner of this node
- Method: setType() - Set type of ptVaultNode this is.;
- Method: upcastToAgeInfoListNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultAgeInfoListNode
- Method: upcastToAgeInfoNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultAgeInfoNode
- Method: upcastToAgeLinkNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultAgeLinkNode
- Method: upcastToChronicleNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultChronicleNode
- Method: upcastToFolderNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultFolderNode
- Method: upcastToImageNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultImageNode
- Method: upcastToMarkerListNode()
- Method: upcastToMarkerNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultMarkerNode
- Method: upcastToPlayerInfoListNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultPlayerInfoListNode
- Method: upcastToPlayerInfoNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultPlayerInfoNode
- Method: upcastToPlayerNode()
- Method: upcastToSDLNode()
- Method: upcastToSystemNode()
- Method: upcastToTextNoteNode() - Returns this ptVaultNode as ptVaultTextNoteNode