Playing Fan Ages
There are two different programs used to simplify the downloading and installing of Fan Ages: UAM (Uru Age Manager) and ULM (Uru Library Manager). Historically, UruAgeManager was written initially and used for Fan Ages. During the "Great Cyan Clamdown of 2006" things were driven underground for a while, and UruLibraryManager was written to take its place. Later on, UruAgeManager was rewritten from scratch and added to the tool Drizzle.
UruAgeManager Strengths (as part of Drizzle):
- Runs on the Java platform.
- Has every Age ever released, some 24+ more than ULM
- No problems with corrupted Ages
- Faster downloads
- Caches downloads, and lets you easily switch versions of an Age without redownloading
UruLibraryManager Strengths:
- Runs on the .Net platform.
- Allows you to customise which books are on your Relto shelf
For info on UAM(Drizzle): Drizzle
For info on ULM: Installing_ULM
Disclaimer: dustin may be a bit pie-faced :P