Playing Fan Ages
There are two different methods of downloading/installing/playing Fan Ages: UAM and ULM. Historically, UAM(=UruAgeManager) was written initially and used for Fan Ages. During the "Great Cyan Clampdown of 2006" things were driven underground for a while, and ULM(=UruLibraryManager) was written to take its place. Later on, UruAgeManager was rewritten from scratch as a part of the Drizzle tool.
UAM Strengths:
- Doesn't require .Net framework
- Has every Age ever released, some 24+ more than ULM
- No problems with corrupted Ages
- Much faster downloads
- Caches downloads, and lets you easily switch versions of an Age without redownloading
ULM Strengths:
- Doesn't require Java
- Allows you to customise which books are on your Relto shelf
For info on UAM(Drizzle): Drizzle
For info on ULM: Installing_ULM
Disclaimer: I may be a bit biased :P