Beginner's Guide to AlcScript
AlcScript is a way to set more complex properties on objects, than you can with simple blender logic proprties.
In the basics, alcscript is just a text file that is read and parsed by the plugin. It is locates inside blender - blender has its built-in text editor.
Adding your first alcscript file
To add a default AlcScript file to your blender file, use "Scripts->Add->PyPRP->Add Default AlcScript" in a script window.
Make one window into a text window. Now on the text-windows-menu bar click the leftmost button wiht the double arrows on it, and select the file named "AlcScript".
Now you can start adding code to it.
AlcScript structure
Alcscript has a hierarchical formatting structure that allows us to group settings together, and nest group of settings in other groups of settings. Check the example below:
Ladder1_Top: type: region region: type: ladder ladder: direction: down style: twofeet loops: 7
Ladder1_Bot: type: region region: type: ladder ladder: direction: up style: twofeet loops: 7
Now you may notice a couple of things from this example:
- There is a structure of keys and values much like this: <key>: <value>
- A value can also be a group of other keys and values
- You indicate a group of keys and values by indenting it - tis can be don with tab-key in your blender file.
- There can be groups in groups in groups
- The first key is always the name of the object, and object-specific settings are located below that.
In the example above, the two objects (ladder regions) - have two keys, "type" and "region". Now "type" is a simple setting - it corresponds to the "type" logic property (which was the "alctype" property) and just has a simpel string as input. (You can either use the logic property "type", or the alcscript property "type" at your leasure). The key "region" however, contains a
[will continue later]