Written by Tweek under Texturing on November 10, 2009
Nobody is talking.

Todays offering is another texture resource, this time pillaged straight from my bookmarks list. The following 10 websites and blogs offer a selection of various textures for use in your building or for using as a base to create new textures.
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Written by Tweek under Texturing on November 07, 2009
Nobody is talking.

Textures, always handy to have on standby for texturing Ages and models or for using as a base to create new textures, building up a library of them always pays off in the end.
Fortunately BlueBlots recently posted a great article featuring a collection of 200 wood/bark texture resources, which can help you out.
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Written by Tweek under Modelling on November 06, 2009
Nobody is talking.

It’s difficult to write about the development of the Age after completion, the timeline often gets a little messy.
Tochoortahv or Cass as it is known has now been released to the public, the first Age I’ve released yet not the first I’ve created.
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